Scientific Data
Publicly available, free, online scientific data, largely from university, industry, and government research programs.
353 listings
Submitted Nov 17, 2005 to Scientific Data Links to visual resource databases for earthquake and structural engineering, announcements, local links, and research resource databases for earthquake engineering.
Submitted Nov 13, 2005 to Scientific Data Multi-Dimensional Imagery from polar orbiting and geostationary satellites operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-NOAA. Enhanced NOAA Imagery and NOAA Imagery fused with other environmental data sets or modeled output. Includes storm events, archival imagery, and regional imagery.
Submitted Nov 13, 2005 to Scientific Data GOLD: Genomes Online Database, is a World Wide Web resource for comprehensive access to information regarding complete and ongoing genome projects around the world. GOLD provides the largest available and most detailed monitoring of genome sequencing projects.
Submitted Nov 13, 2005 to Scientific Data "Molecules To Go" is a World Wide Web (WWW) Forms interface which facilitates access (browsing, searching and retrieval) to the molecular structure data contained within the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (PDB). Through the Molecules To Go request FORM, one may request a PDB data file to be returned in one of several different formats.
Submitted Nov 10, 2005 to Scientific Data Species 2000 has the objective of enumerating all known species of organisms on Earth (animals, plants, fungi and microbes) as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity.
Submitted Nov 10, 2005 to Scientific Data ORPHANET is a database dedicated to information on rare diseases and orphan drugs. Access to this database is free of charge. ORPHANET aims to improve management and treatment of genetic, auto-immune or infectious rare diseases, rare cancers, or not yet classified rare diseases. ORPHANET offers services adapted to the needs of patients and their families, health professionals and researchers, support groups and industry.
Submitted Nov 06, 2005 to Scientific Data The World-Wide Earthquake Locator aims to provide up-to-date information and detailed dynamic maps of earthquakes across the world within a maximum of 24 hours of their occurence. This web site also includes a database of past earthquakes, an animation of the past month's earthquakes, and statistical earthquake prediction.
Submitted Oct 15, 2005 to Scientific Data This website presents data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a project to make a map of a large part of the universe. We would like to show you the beauty of the universe, and share with you our excitement as we build the largest map in the history of the world.
Submitted Oct 07, 2005 to Scientific Data SAMNET is one of the UK National Facilities for Solar Terrestrial Physics (STP) funded by PPARC. We currently operate 5 stations equipped with fluxgate magnetometers which continuously record natural variations in the Earth's magnetic field. In addition we also archive 1 second resolution data from 5 IMAGE magnetometers (standard IMAGE resolution is 10s) and also data from 3 British Geological Survey magnetometers. The magnetometer data contains information about the complex interactions within the coupled Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere system. The data is freely available for bona-fide research purposes, subject to the Rules of the Road. Registered users can request data from either the 1s or 5s data archives. Registered users can also create online, user-defined plots (magnetograms). Please check the data catalogue before requesting data or plots. Further information and links to all our data services, including registration, can be found on the homepage.
Submitted Aug 30, 2005 to Scientific Data Worried about getting hit by a tropical storm or hurricane? These maps show the potential minimum central pressure and potential maximum winds for the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
Submitted Aug 08, 2005 to Scientific Data A survey conducted by Research Triangle Institute (RTI) under contract with FDA. The access database contains 593 records of private laboratories that test food. It includes the variables needed to support the kinds of analyses FDA expects to undertake-such as location and contact information, economic variables, test capabilities, and Quality Assurance Programs. The FTLD allows users to sort laboratories by location such as state or country, query laboratories owned by one parent company, sort laboratories by capabilities, and sort laboratories that use quality assurance guidelines such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, and determine laboratories associated with a certain geographic area or FDA district.
Submitted Aug 05, 2005 to Scientific Data Established in 1988 as a national resource for molecular biology information, NCBI creates public databases, conducts research in computational biology, develops software tools for analyzing genome data, and disseminates biomedical information - all for the better understanding of molecular processes affecting human health and disease.
Submitted Jul 24, 2005 to Scientific Data In honor of the first manned Moon landing, which took place on July 20, 1969, weve added some NASA imagery to the Google Maps interface to help you pay your own visit to our celestial neighbor. See the locations of NASA Apollo missions 11 through 17. Happy lunar surfing.
Submitted Jun 08, 2005 to Scientific Data The U.S. Waterway Data is a collection of data related to the navigable waters in the United States, including inland waterways, off-shore waters, the Great Lakes, and the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Data on commerce, facilities, locks, dredging, imports and exports, and accidents are included along with the geographic waterway network. The data were compiled from several agencies, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Navigation Data Center, the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the U.S. Coast Guard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Vanderbilt University. One of the objectives of this coordinated effort is to make waterway data more widely available and easily accessible. The data included here are in standard file formats that can be easily imported into other software tools such as spreadsheets, databases, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Submitted Jun 07, 2005 to Scientific Data Operated by the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission. Databases include water quality, atrazine concentration, clean metals database, electrofishing / fish population, fish tissue, flows, EMPACT, macroinvertebrate, nutrients/algae, organics detections system, permits, published data, spills, stages, watershed pollution reduction, wet weather runoff, sewer overflows.
Submitted May 12, 2005 to Scientific Data The Ridge Multibeam Bathymetry Synthesis is a compilation of multibeam bathymetry data, digital elevation models, and shaded relief images of the seafloor from the worlds mid-ocean ridges. This effort is funded by the Marine Geology and Geophysics program out of the Ocean Sciences Division of the National Science Foundation. The primary focus of this data synthesis is to provide open access over the Internet to multibeam bathymetry data collected during scientific research expeditions seeking to understand crustal creation in the deep oceans.
Submitted Apr 11, 2005 to Scientific Data The NOAA ENC Direct to GIS web portal provides comprehensive access to display, query, and download all available large-scale NOAA ENC data in a variety of GIS/CAD formats for non-navigational purposes using Internet mapping service technology. Nautical chart features contained within a NOAA ENC provide a detailed representation of the U.S. coastal and marine environment. These data include coastal topography, bathymetry, landmarks, geographic place names, and marine boundaries. Features in a single NOAA ENC are limited in that they only represent the geographic region that is depicted in that particular NOAA ENC cell. By aggregating nautical features from all NOAA ENCs in the creation of GIS data, a continuous depiction of the U.S coastal and marine environment is achieved.
Submitted Mar 22, 2005 to Scientific Data The CEOS International Directory Network is a gateway to a world of earth science data maintained by NASA's Global Change Master Directory. The CEOS International Directory Network (CEOS IDN) is an international effort developed to assist researchers in locating information on available datasets. The CEOS IDN is sponsored by the Technology and Services Subgroup of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) as a service to both the Earth and space science communities. View current datasets using the IDN Portal.
Submitted Mar 07, 2005 to Scientific Data A massive new data set on American politics is now available. The Record Of American Democracy (ROAD) data includes election returns, socioeconomic summaries, and demographic measures of the American public collected and merged at unusually low levels of geographic aggregation.
Submitted Mar 07, 2005 to Scientific Data The Virtual Data Center (VDC) software is a comprehensive, open-source digital library system, designed to help curators and researchers face the challenges of sharing and disseminating research data in an increasingly distributed world. The VDC software provides a complete system for the management and dissemination of federated collections of quantitative data.