Scientific Data
Publicly available, free, online scientific data, largely from university, industry, and government research programs.
353 listings
Submitted Mar 01, 2006 to Scientific Data Simultaneously search across multiple life sciences databases at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Search biomedical literature, sequence databases, population data sets, mapping data, genome project information, online books, journals, audiovisuals, vocabulary, online Mendelian Inheritance in man and animals, and more.
Submitted Feb 26, 2006 to Scientific Data This web site is part of a National Science Foundation-sponsored project aimed at expanding knowledge of systematics of the unusually diverse marine gastropod genus Conus. The project goals are to integrate species-level revisionary systematics of the major regional faunas, contribute to molecular-based phylogenetic hypotheses, expand predictive classifications, and promulgate the results in both electronic and print media. Because a taxonomic catalogue is a sine qua non for research in systematics, we initiate this web site with a searchable database comprising a catalogue of all available species-level names proposed in Conus (see Catalogue). When complete, the site will include entries for each valid species, with taxonomic histories, descriptions, morphometrics, range maps, and photographs of type specimens, shells and living animals to illustrate variability in form and color patterns. It will incorporate data from prior and new character sets, including shell and radular tooth morphometry, ecological and developmental attributes, and gene sequences.
Submitted Feb 20, 2006 to Scientific Data A central location for Yellowstone-Teton geologic information.
Submitted Feb 19, 2006 to Scientific Data GermOnline is a cross-species community annotation knowledgebase that provides microarray data relevant for the mitotic and meiotic cell cycle as well as gametogenesis. Importantly, GermOnline also integrates knowledge about genes important for sexual reproduction that is contributed and updated by members of the scientific community in collaboration with professional curators.
Submitted Feb 19, 2006 to Scientific Data The ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System) proteomics server of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is dedicated to the analysis of protein sequences and structures as well as 2-D PAGE.
Submitted Feb 18, 2006 to Scientific Data The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) Satellite Database is a listing of operational satellites currently in orbit around the Earth. It is available as a downloadable Excel file, which is updated roughly quarterly. Our intent in producing the database is to create a research tool for specialists and non-specialists alike by collecting open-source information on operational satellites and presenting it in a format that can be easily manipulated for research and analysis. The database includes basic information about more than 800 satellites and their orbits, but does not contain the detailed information necessary to locate individual satellites. The UCS Satellite Database is the only free, comprehensive compilation of active satellites in an easy to manipulate, commonly-used database format. Users can find information about a particular satellite; identify sets of satellites having a common characteristic, such as altitude or mission; and sort or aggregate data about the whole population of satellites.
Submitted Feb 06, 2006 to Scientific Data Get an in-depth pollution report for your county, covering air, water, chemicals, and more in the United States.
Submitted Feb 01, 2006 to Scientific Data The Alternative Fuels Data Center is a vast collection of information on alternative fuels and the vehicles that use them. Alternative fuels described here are those defined by the Energy Policy Act of 1992, including biodiesel, electricity, ethanol, hydrogen, natural gas, and propane. This site has more than 3,000 documents in its database, an interactive fuel station mapping system, current listings of available alternative fuel vehicles, and lots of alternative fuels information and related links.
Submitted Jan 07, 2006 to Scientific Data Population Index is the primary reference tool to the world's population literature. It presents an annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other materials on population topics. This website provides a searchable and browsable database containing 46,035 abstracts of demographic literature published in Population Index in the period 1986-2000.
Submitted Jan 01, 2006 to Scientific Data ![]() |
Submitted Jan 01, 2006 to Scientific Data Find peak accelerations and records for latest earthquakes. Search for data from specific stations or specific structure types: buildings, dams, bridges, geotechnical arrays, ground response, and more.
Submitted Jan 01, 2006 to Scientific Data The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology is a university research consortium dedicated to exploring the Earth's interior through the collection and distribution of seismographic earthquake data. IRIS programs contribute to scholarly research, education, earthquake hazard mitigation, and the verification of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Support for IRIS comes from the National Science Foundation, other federal agencies, universities, and private foundations.
Submitted Jan 01, 2006 to Scientific Data Our mission is to maintain an easily-accessible, well-organized, high-quality, searchable archive of earthquake data from southern California for research in seismology and earthquake engineering. Find research tools, general earthquake information, stations/instrumentation, and educational resources.
Submitted Dec 21, 2005 to Scientific Data The IOCs International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) was established in 1961 to enhance marine research, exploitation and development by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products. The IODE system forms a worldwide service oriented network consisting of DNAs (Designated National Agencies), NODCs (National Oceanographic Data Centres), RNODCs (Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centres) and WDCs (World Data Centres Oceanography). During the past 40 years, IOC Member States have established over 60 oceanographic data centres in as many countries. This network has been able to collect, control the quality of, and archive millions of ocean observations, and makes these available to Member States.
Submitted Dec 16, 2005 to Scientific Data GulfBase is a database of resources about the Gulf of Mexico. The goal of this website is to regroup, synthesize, and make freely available Gulf of Mexico research information. Our vision is that GulfBase will help researchers, policy makers, and the general public work together to insure long-term sustainable use and conservation of the Gulf of Mexico.
Submitted Dec 13, 2005 to Scientific Data SeamountsOnline is a NSF-funded project designed to gather information on species found in seamount habitats, and to provide a freely-available online resource for accessing and downloading these data. It is designed to facilitate research into seamount ecology, and to act as a resource for managers.
Submitted Dec 03, 2005 to Scientific Data ![]() |
Submitted Dec 03, 2005 to Scientific Data ![]() |