Scientific Data
Publicly available, free, online scientific data, largely from university, industry, and government research programs.
353 listings
Submitted Mar 18, 2007 (Edited Jan 24, 2017) to Scientific Data The Internet Archive ( is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library, with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format.
Founded in 1996, the Internet Archive has an historical web collection (the Wayback Machine) of over 150 billion web pages, about 240,000 movies, over 500,000 audio items (including over 70,000 live concerts), over 1,800,000 texts, 1600 education items, and over 30,000 software items. And we’re growing bigger every day! |
Submitted Mar 12, 2007 to Scientific Data The Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) Project is a largely open source project to develop a complete set of software for creating and administering a model organism database. Components of this project include genome visualization and editing tools, literature curation tools, a robust database schema, biological ontology tools, and a set of standard operating procedures.
Submitted Mar 10, 2007 to Scientific Data The Earth Impact Database is maintained as a not-for-profit source of information to assist the scientific, industrial, government and public communities around the world in furthering our collective knowledge of impact structures on Earth. The site is currently managed by Jason Hines (Data Manager, NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility, Planetary and Space Science Centre) and John Spray (Director, Planetary and Space Science Centre) at the University of New Brunswick, Canada.
Submitted Mar 04, 2007 to Scientific Data Welcome to GeoHive, a site with geopolitical data, statistics on the human population, Earth and more. The main kind of data you can find here is on the population of regions, countries, provinces and cities. Next to that there are some statistics on economic factors like wealth, infrastructure; statistics on natural phenomena; ....... and yet, even more.
Submitted Mar 04, 2007 to Scientific Data Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest. 366 maps and PDF posters. Topics include war deaths, population, land area, wealth, nuclear weapons, military spending, and more.
Submitted Feb 18, 2007 to Scientific Data The NOAA Photo Library has been built so as to capture the work, observations, and studies that are carried on by the scientists, engineers, commissioned officers, and administrative personnel that make up this complex and scientifically diverse agency. It also has been built in an attempt to capture NOAA's scientific heritage, which is in fact a heritage shared by much of the physical and environmental science communities in the United States today. To date, over 16,000 images have been digitized and reside in the online NOAA Photo Library. This number will continue growing as long as there are environmental problems to study and solve, as long as the citizens of the United States are threatened by violent weather, as long as mariners need nautical charts, and as long as creatures of the sea need our protection to survive. Until then, you are invited to join NOAA in this photographic essay that spans the World's oceans and atmosphere, carries you from the surface of the sun to the bottom of the sea, and travels through centuries of scientific thought and observations.
Submitted Feb 18, 2007 to Scientific Data National Weather Service history is rich with images of scientific accomplishment, technological innovation and community service. The photos in these archives help tell the stories of our people and their service to communities across America, from telegraph operators of the Army Signal Service in the 1870s to the women who joined our ranks during World War II; from pioneers early in the 20th century who took advantage of the development of aviation and wireless radio communications to the highly-educated scientists and engineers of today who are coupling radars, satellites, networks of observing systems and advanced computers to deliver the world's best weather and climate services to our nation.
Submitted Feb 11, 2007 (Edited Dec 13, 2009) to Scientific Data The Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) is a national network intended to facilitate ecological and environmental research on biocomplexity. For scientists, the KNB is an efficient way to discover, access, interpret, integrate and analyze complex ecological data from a highly-distributed set of field stations, laboratories, research sites, and individual researchers. Search by taxonomy, ecology, level of organization, evolution, habitat, and measurement type (biomass, carbon, chlorophyll, nitrate, GIS, and more).
Submitted Feb 11, 2007 to Scientific Data The primary purpose of the International HapMap Project, as described on the Project's web site ( and in the recent paper on the Project (Nature 426:789-796, Dec. 18, 2003), is to develop and publish a global analysis of patterns of polymorphism and of linkage disequilibrium and use this information to guide selection of tag SNPs across the entire human genome. As is now standard practice in large-scale genomic research projects, the International HapMap Consortium follows a policy of releasing data as quickly as possible, anticipating that they will be useful for many investigators. The Consortium anticipates that the Project's data will be used in many ways, such as for developing new analytical methods, in understanding patterns of polymorphism, linkage disequilibrium, and haplotype associations, and in guiding selection of markers to map genes affecting specific diseases. Thus, the Consortium recognizes that the data are available to all users for any purpose.
Submitted Feb 04, 2007 (Edited Dec 07, 2009) to Scientific Data Located at Naval Base Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) is the U. S. Department of Defense agency responsible for issuing tropical cyclone warnings for the Pacific and Indian Oceans. JTWC products on this website are intended for use by U.S. government agencies. Please consult your national meteorological agency or the appropriate World Meteorological Organization Regional Specialized Meteorological Center for tropical cyclone products pertinent to your country, region and/or local area.
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 (Edited Dec 04, 2016) to Scientific Data Information and resources on open science from Creative Commons.
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 to Scientific Data The BioBricks Foundation (BBF) is a not-for-profit organization founded by engineers and scientists from MIT, Harvard, and UCSF with significant experience in both non-profit and commercial biotechnology research. BBF encourages the development and responsible use of technologies based on BioBrick(TM) standard DNA parts that encode basic biological functions.
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 to Scientific Data UAEM works with student and faculty groups across the US, Europe and Canada. We assemble teams of experts in matters of intellectual property, technology transfer, pharmaceutical R&D, and healthcare delivery in resource-poor settings, in order to construct creative new approaches to improving the development and delivery of public health goods. Using this approach, UAEM has constructed model licensing terms and policy documents that universities can use to improve global public health, and is currently working on crafting novel metrics for university technology transfer. This website provides details on some of these projects.
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 to Scientific Data A diverse and growing alliance of organizations representing taxpayers, patients, physicians, researchers, and institutions that support open public access to taxpayer-funded research.
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 to Scientific Data The AGORA program, set up by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) together with major publishers, enables developing countries to gain access to an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. AGORA provides a collection of 918 journals to institutions in 107 countries. AGORA is designed to enhance the scholarship of the many thousands of students, faculty and researchers in agriculture and life sciences in the developing world.
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 (Edited Jan 27, 2007) to Scientific Data Science Commons serves the advancement of science by removing unnecessary legal and technical barriers to scientific collaboration and innovation. Built on the promise of Open Access to scholarly literature and data, Science Commons identifies and eases key barriers to the movement of information, tools and data through the scientific research cycle. Our long term vision is to provide more than just useful contracts. We will combine our publishing, data, and licensing approaches to develop solutions for a truly integrated and streamlined research process.
Submitted Jan 26, 2007 to Scientific Data Data360 is the collaborative trend tracking website that has been created to provide clear context on important cultural, environmental, social and economic issues.
Submitted Jan 14, 2007 to Scientific Data The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is a NASA-funded project which maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 5.1 million records: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and ArXiv e-prints. The main body of data in the ADS consists of bibliographic records, which are searchable through our Abstract Service query forms, and full-text scans of much of the astronomical literature which can be browsed though our Browse interface. Integrated in its databases, the ADS provides access and pointers to a wealth of external resources, including electronic articles, data catalogs and archives. We currently have links to over 5.3 million records maintained by our collaborators.