Science Research Groups
Science laboratories, research groups, national and international programs, special projects, and expeditions.
767 listings
Reddy Lab at Loyola University Chicago Apr 22, 2017 BioCircuits Institute at UC San Diego Mar 31, 2017 MIALAB: Medical Image Analysis Lab Feb 22, 2017 |
NASA Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn & Titan Jan 15, 2017 Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Jan 04, 2017 USGS Astrogeology Science Center Dec 31, 2016 |
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy Mar 28, 2017 Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics Mar 11, 2017 |
Data & Society Apr 25, 2017 UC Boulder Information Science Apr 17, 2017 MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society Apr 10, 2017 |
Banff International Research Station Jan 16, 2017 Mathematical Biosciences Institute Jan 07, 2017 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Jan 07, 2017 |
Submitted Dec 02, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The question is no longer whether global warming is upon us
Submitted Nov 26, 2009 (Edited Nov 29, 2016) to Science Research Groups » Computer Science The Leadership Computing Facility Division operates the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
Submitted Nov 25, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences The GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project (GLODAP) is a cooperative effort to coordinate global synthesis projects funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study - Synthesis and Modeling Project (JGOFS-SMP). Cruises conducted as part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), JGOFS, and the NOAA Ocean-Atmosphere Exchange Study (OACES) over the decade of the 1990s have created an oceanographic database of unparalleled quality and quantity. These data provide an important asset to the scientific community investigating carbon cycling in the oceans. The central objective of this project is to generate a unified data set to help determine the global distributions of both natural and anthropogenic inorganic carbon, including radiocarbon. These estimates provide an important benchmark against which future observational studies will be compared. They also provide tools for the direct evaluation of numerical ocean carbon models.
Submitted Sep 13, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Space Sciences The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) was formed in June 2002 with a mission to facilitate the international coordination and collaboration necessary for the development and deployment of the tools, systems and organizational structures necessary to enable the international utilization of astronomical archives as an integrated and interoperating virtual observatory.
Submitted Aug 28, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences NorthWest Research Associates, Inc., (NWRA) is a small scientific research group with a primary focus in the geophysical sciences that includes, but is not limited to: oceanography, sea-ice mechanics, and atmospheric, ionospheric, and solar physics. NWRA is owned and operated by the Principal Investigators of the company and has over 70 employees in three office locations.
Submitted Mar 02, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Biology The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
Submitted Feb 21, 2009 (Edited Jan 15, 2017) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) is a community of natural and social scientists working together to improve the quality of our environment. The mission of ESPM is to advance our knowledge and understanding of natural resource systems in order to develop innovative solutions to complex environmental challenges. Approaching this goal through multidisciplinary research, teaching, and extension, the department focuses on ecosystem stewardship; environmental governance; global change; organisms and biodiversity; and science, technology and environment.
Submitted Feb 18, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Earth Science The Harvard University Center for the Environment (HUCE) encourages research and education about the environment and its many interactions with human society. The Center draws its strength from faculty members and students across the University who make up a remarkable intellectual community of scholars, researchers, and teachers of diverse fields including chemistry, earth and planetary sciences, engineering and applied sciences, biology, public health and medicine, government, business, economics, religion, and the law. The most pressing problems facing our natural environment are complex, often requiring collaborative investigation by scholars versed in different disciplines. By connecting scholars and practitioners from different disciplines, the Center for the Environment seeks to raise the quality of environmental research at Harvard and beyond.
Submitted Dec 25, 2008 (Edited Nov 30, 2016) to Science Research Groups » Computer Science The Center for Bio-Image Informatics is an interdisciplinary research effort between Biology, Computer Science, Statistics, Multimedia and Engineering. The overarching goal of the center is the advancement of human knowledge of the complex biological processes which occur at both cellular and sub-cellular levels. To achieve this core objective, the center employs and develops cutting edge techniques in the fields of imaging, pattern recognition and data mining.
Submitted Dec 23, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Space Sciences The Planetary Science Institute is a nonprofit science research institute focusing on the exploration of the solar system. Our scientists are distributed in 15 states, the UK, Switzerland, Russia, and Australia. We are headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, where PSI was founded in 1972. We are involved in numerous NASA missions, the study of Mars, asteroids, comets, interplanetary dust, impact physics, the origin of the solar system, planet formation about other stars, dynamics, the rise of life, and other subjects.
Submitted Oct 28, 2008 (Edited Nov 29, 2016) to Science Research Groups » Computer Science The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) creates information technology solutions for many of our most pressing social, environmental and healthcare problems. The first public-private partnership created to use IT in this way, CITRIS partners more than 300 faculty and thousands of students from myriad departments at four UC campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Merced and Santa Cruz) with industrial researchers from over 60 corporations. Together they are thinking about IT in ways that have not been thought of before. They see solutions to many of the concerns that face all of us today, from the environment and finding viable sustainable energy alternatives to healthcare delivery and developing secure electronic medical records and remote diagnosis, ultimately boosting economic productivity. CITRIS represents a bold and exciting vision that is leveraging one of the top university systems in the world with highly successful corporate partners and government resources.
Submitted Sep 14, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) conducts research and development on technology, operations and the environment for the global electric power sector. EPRI, a non-profit organization, brings together its members, the institute
Submitted Sep 14, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The GENI Initiative focuses on linking renewable energy resources around the world using international electricity transmission. Research shows that the premier global strategy is the interconnection of electric power networks between regions and continents into a global energy grid, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources
Submitted Sep 14, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The CGIAR is a strategic alliance of members, partners and international agricultural centers that mobilizes science to benefit the poor. Our mission is to achieve sustainable food security and reduce poverty in developing countries through scientific research and research-related activities in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, policy, and environment
Submitted Sep 14, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The American Cancer Society is a nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. The goal of the American Cancer Society (ACS) is to prevent cancer, save lives, and diminish suffering from cancer.
Submitted Sep 14, 2008 (Edited Sep 14, 2008) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The Buckminster Fuller Institute is dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of solutions which radically advance human well being and the health of our planet's ecosystems. We aim to deeply influence the ascendance of a new generation of design-science pioneers who are leading the creation of an abundant and restorative world economy that benefits all humanity. The Buckminster Fuller Institute is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 and inspired by the ideas and discoveries pioneered by the late R. Buckminster Fuller. BFI's constituency crosses disciplinary boundaries and includes people working in the fields of art, architecture, design, education, engineering, information technology, economics, the environment, mathematics, planning, science, and systems theory.
Submitted Sep 10, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Physics This is the homepage covering the work of Large Hadron Collider scientists who are based in the United States. US scientists and engineers, supported by the US Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Science Foundation, have helped to build the LHC. More than 1,700 people from 94 American universities and laboratories have been collaborating with science colleagues around the world to make the LHC experiment happen. Find news and updates, background information about the LHC, images from the experiment, information and educational resources for teachers and students, and blogs from LHC scientists based in the US.
Submitted Sep 08, 2008 (Edited Dec 07, 2016) to Science Research Groups » Physics This is the scientific research page of the Large Hadron Collider particle physics experiment at CERN, the world's largest particle physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. The LHC is the world's highest energy particle accelerator and is expected to provide new information about the origins and composition of the universe. This site covers the technical details about the project including beam parameters, baseline documentation, hardware layouts, and more. While other LHC sites are designed primarily for the public and the media, this one is for scientists.
Submitted Sep 07, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Biology The goal of the Biology and Biotechnology Research Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is to enhance the nations health and security through innovative multidisciplinary research in genomics, molecular biochemistry, and biotechnology. Program objectives include understanding genetic and biochemical causes of disease, countering biological terrorism, and developing and applying computational biology capabilities using the Laboratorys massively parallel computing resources. The program is also a founding partner in DOEs Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek, California.