Science Research Groups
Science laboratories, research groups, national and international programs, special projects, and expeditions.
767 listings
Reddy Lab at Loyola University Chicago Apr 22, 2017 BioCircuits Institute at UC San Diego Mar 31, 2017 MIALAB: Medical Image Analysis Lab Feb 22, 2017 |
NASA Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn & Titan Jan 15, 2017 Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Jan 04, 2017 USGS Astrogeology Science Center Dec 31, 2016 |
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy Mar 28, 2017 Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics Mar 11, 2017 |
Data & Society Apr 25, 2017 UC Boulder Information Science Apr 17, 2017 MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society Apr 10, 2017 |
Banff International Research Station Jan 16, 2017 Mathematical Biosciences Institute Jan 07, 2017 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Jan 07, 2017 |
Submitted Nov 29, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Computer Science Build computer systems that regulate themselves much in the same way our autonomic nervous system regulates and protects our bodies. This new model of computing is called autonomic computing. The good news is that some components of this technology are already up and running. However, complete autonomic systems do not yet exist. This is not a proprietary solution. It's a radical change in the way businesses, academia, and even the government design, develop, manage and maintain computer systems. Autonomic computing calls for a whole new area of study and a whole new way of conducting business. We urge you to explore this site and download the full text of autonomic computing manifesto to learn more about autonomic computing and its implications for business and academia. We invite you to help launch the next era of computing.
Submitted Nov 29, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Computer Science Research is one of the premier telecommunications laboratories in the world in terms of excellence in the frontiers of science, invention of new communications concepts and tools, and incubation of new services. It builds on over 80 years of leadership across all areas of communications and related fields, and continues to produce innovative technology that differentiates AT&Ts services and operations.
Submitted Nov 29, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Mechanical Engineering The California Energy Commission is the state's primary energy policy and planning agency. Created by the Legislature in 1974 and located in Sacramento, the Commission has five major responsibilities: Forecasting future energy needs and keeping historical energy data; Licensing thermal power plants 50 megawatts or larger; Promoting energy efficiency through appliance and building standards; Developing energy technologies and supporting renewable energy; Planning for and directing state response to energy emergency.
Submitted Nov 29, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Computer Science The Army High Performance Computing Research Center was established by the Army in 1989. The mission of the Center is to conduct computational science research in areas of defense technology of importance to the Army and the Department of Defense. The Center promotes research collaborations in high performance computing between its partner institutions and with Army and DoD agencies. It also supports educational programs designed to encourage students to pursue careers in high performance computing. The research areas include Chemical-Biological Defense, Atmospheric Science, and Environmental Modeling; Computational Electromagnetics; Enabling Technology and Computational Algorithms; Projectile Target Interaction; Computational Nanosciences and Nanomechanics.
Submitted Nov 29, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Computer Science As the innovation engine behind Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs designs products and services that are at the forefront of communications technology, and conducts fundamental research in fields important to communications. Guided by both experience and vision, Bell Labs is taking the lead in shaping tomorrow's broadband networks powered with service intelligence at every network layer. The technology needs of leading service providers now drive our R&D efforts. For example, we have increased our investment in R&D that will enable simpler, more "service-friendly" networks with more intelligence in every layer. Bell Labs R&D also includes optical network technologies, packet data solutions, circuit-to-packet network migrations, spread-spectrum wireless technologies, and network operation and management software. Past Bell Labs breakthroughs - like transistors, lasers and digital encryption - are the basis of today's communications industry. Bell Labs maintains a small, but prolific, long-term research program. That research explores such areas as the future of wireless and optical networking, the Internet, multimedia communications, physics and mathematics.
Submitted Nov 29, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Computer Science Argonne is one of the U.S. government's oldest and largest science and engineering research laboratories -- the largest in the Midwest. For the past half-century, the University of Chicago has overseen operation of Argonne for the United States Department of Energy and its predecessor agencies. Argonne has five major mission areas, each of which fulfills important governmental and Department of Energy responsibilities, as well as provides important benefits to our society at large. They are: Conducting basic scientific research to further our understanding of the world we live in. Argonne conducts basic experimental and theoretical scientific research in the physical, life, and environmental sciences; Operating national scientific facilities to help advance America's scientific leadership. Argonne operates world-class research facilities like the Advanced Photon Source; Enhancing the nation's energy resources to ensure America's energy future. Argonne is working to develop and evaluate advanced energy technologies; Developing better ways to manage environmental problems. Argonne is at the forefront in developing new ways to manage and solve the nation's environmental problems and to promote environmental stewardship; National Security has increased in significance in recent years for the nation and for Argonne research. Argonne capabilities developed over the years for other purposes are helping counter the threats of terrorism.
Submitted Nov 29, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Mechanical Engineering The mission of the Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBE) is to combine engineering with molecular and cellular biology to develop new approaches to biomedical technology and to foster research in the rapidly growing discipline of Biological Engineering. With five new members this past year, over 45 CBE faculty (from departments in the MIT Schools of Engineering and Science, as well as the Whitehead institute, Harvard and Boston University Medical Schools and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology) carry out interdisciplinary, multi-investigator research programs within CBE. This faculty research provides a training environment for a new generation of graduate and undergraduate students in Bioengineering, at the interface between Engineering and Biology.
Submitted Nov 29, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Mechanical Engineering Our research focuses on the exploration and application of advanced technologies to improve the economic and environmental attractiveness of emerging energy sources, including fusion, advanced fission, renewables and energy efficiency.
Submitted Dec 12, 2010 (Edited Jan 14, 2017) to Science Research Groups » Biology Proteomics and mass spectrometry research in the fiels of life sciences and medical sciences
Submitted Jun 28, 2010 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry Atmospheric Integrated Research for Understanding Chemistry at Interfaces is a research team based at the University of California, Irvine that focuses on research into chemical reactions at the air/water interface and how they affect the atmosphere.
Submitted Jun 28, 2010 to Science Research Groups » Space Sciences The ASC/Alliances Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes aims to solve the long-standing problem of thermonuclear flashes on the surfaces of compact stars such as neutron stars and white dwarf stars, and in the interior of white dwarfs (i.e., Type Ia supernovae). Our Center - the "FLASH Center" - is funded by the DOE ASC/Alliances Program to build a state-of-the-art simulator code for solving nuclear astrophysical problems related to exploding stars. This website contains information about the astrophysics, the code, and related basic physics and computer science efforts. Please follow the appropriate links. We also distribute the FLASH code. Procedure and conditions are described on the Code Request Page.
Submitted Jun 28, 2010 to Science Research Groups » Biology The Alaska SeaLife Center is a non-profit marine science facility dedicated to understanding and maintaining the integrity of the marine ecosystem of Alaska through research, rehabilitation and public education. The Center's research and rehabilitation facilities and naturalistic exhibits immerse visitors in the dynamic marine ecosystems of Alaska.
Submitted Jun 27, 2010 to Science Research Groups » Biology The Josephine Bay Paul Center for Comparative Molecular Biology and Evolution was officially established at the Marine Biological Laboratory in January of 1997. RESEARCH at the Center explores the evolution and interaction of genomes of diverse organisms that play significant roles in environmental biology and human health. Projects span all evolutionary time scales, from deep phylogenetic divergence of ancestral prokaryotic and eukaryotic lineages to ecological analyses of how members of diverse communities contribute and respond to environmental change. The Center is part of the Brown University - Marine Biological Laboratory Graduate Program in Biological and Environmental Sciences.
Submitted Jan 05, 2010 to Science Research Groups » Earth Science The High-Resolution Seismic Network (HRSN) is one of several networks of seismic instrumentation in northern and central California operated by the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory. The HRSN is an array of borehole instrumentation deployed in the Parkfield area, with the goal of monitoring microseismicity on the San Andreas fault.
Submitted Jan 05, 2010 to Science Research Groups » Earth Science WAPMERR was created in 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland, as a non-profit organization for the purposes of reducing risk due to disasters and for rescue planning after disasters. These goals are achieved by advancing methods of real-time loss estimates after earthquakes, by estimating the extent of future disasters in scenario mode, by calculating tsunami risks, by characterizing the nature of the building stock in cities at risk, and through monitoring by satellite images, as well as by earthquake prediction research. In these efforts, we are collaborating with scientists in several western European countries, Russia, the USA, Japan, Asia and South America. The foci of these efforts are countries that are developing and may not have their own capability to assess the earthquake risk and extent of disasters accurately and rapidly.
Submitted Dec 13, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Biology BioDiversity Research Institute (BRI) is a small, Maine-based nonprofit group dedicated to progressive environmental research and education. Our specialty is avian (bird) studies, and aquatic toxicology. We believe loons and other piscivorous (fish-eating) birds that are high in the food chain are the best indicators of their aquatic environment's condition. See the BRI bird cams and watch bald eagles, peregrine falcons, loons, and osprey live online.
Submitted Dec 13, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences PIRATA (Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic) is a project designed by a group of scientists involved in CLIVAR, and is implemented by the group through multi-national cooperation. The purpose of PIRATA is to study ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropical Atlantic that are relevant to regional climate variability on seasonal, interannual and longer time scales. The array consists of moored buoys that measure surface meteorological data, sea surface temperatures, salinity, and ocean currents that are relevant for studying climate change, global warming, El Nino and La Nina related conditions, hurricanes, tropical storms, and more.
Submitted Dec 13, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Arctic climate impact assessment reports from the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). The reports cover the impacts of global warming and climate change on the arctic climate system, physical and biological systems, and human activities including health care, fishing, agriculture, forestry, wildlife, and other conservation issues.
Submitted Dec 13, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Ocean carbon dioxide measurements and carbon dioxide geological sequestration. Ocean carbon dioxide data; Carbon sequestration; Air-sea carbon dioxide flux.
Submitted Dec 02, 2009 to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The mission of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.