Science Research Groups
Science laboratories, research groups, national and international programs, special projects, and expeditions.
767 listings
Reddy Lab at Loyola University Chicago Apr 22, 2017 BioCircuits Institute at UC San Diego Mar 31, 2017 MIALAB: Medical Image Analysis Lab Feb 22, 2017 |
NASA Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn & Titan Jan 15, 2017 Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Jan 04, 2017 USGS Astrogeology Science Center Dec 31, 2016 |
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy Mar 28, 2017 Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics Mar 11, 2017 |
Data & Society Apr 25, 2017 UC Boulder Information Science Apr 17, 2017 MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society Apr 10, 2017 |
Banff International Research Station Jan 16, 2017 Mathematical Biosciences Institute Jan 07, 2017 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Jan 07, 2017 |
Submitted Aug 28, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry Sandia Labs continues to enhance its proficiency in many fields, all in keeping with its Department of Energy mission to unite science and engineering to serve national needs. Aalong with world class capabilities in materials science, micro fabrication - including 40,000 square feet of clean room space - high performance computing and systems engineering - Sandia is uniquely positioned to be the integrating center for new discoveries in nanoscience.
Submitted Aug 28, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences NASA EOS Aqua Project. Aqua scientists and engineers describe Aqua's mission and answer questions about climate science in this interactive multimedia website that is complete with animations, sounds, and video.
Submitted Aug 28, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Physics Topics include cosmology, black holes, cosmic strings, inflation, quantum gravity, movies, string theory, the holographic principle, M-theory, quantum cosmology, the hot big bang, galaxies and clusters, and relic radiation.
Submitted Aug 19, 2008 (Edited Nov 30, 2016) to Science Research Groups » Mechanical Engineering The Energy and Geoscience Institute (EGI) at the University of Utah is a non-profit research institute covering a wide range of fossil and geothermal energy research in cooperation with government and industry.
Submitted Aug 10, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences The Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) is a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Department of Commerce. Scientists at ESRL study the dynamic physical, chemical, and biological processes that comprise the Earth's atmospheric system. These studies cover such subtopics as climate change, the carbon cycle, air quality, the ozone layer, climate and water systems, and the development of new observing systems, computational infrastructures, and technologies.
Submitted Aug 10, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Background on the discovery of the ozone hole and subsequent scientific studies from the NOAA Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Lab (CMDL).
Submitted Jul 12, 2007 to Science Research Groups » Earth Science The Pacific Northwest Center for Geologic Mapping Studies (GeoMapNW) is a grant-funded collaborative research center hosted by the Earth and Space Sciences Department at the University of Washington. The mission of the Center is to provide geologic data and expertise, to conduct geologic mapping and research, and to support the geologic research efforts of others throughout the Pacific NW and beyond.
Submitted Jun 07, 2007 (Edited Dec 23, 2016) to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences CESM is a fully-coupled, community, global climate model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate states. The CESM project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Administration of the CESM is maintained by the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
Submitted May 11, 2007 (Edited Sep 14, 2008) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The Institute for the Future (IFTF) is an independent nonprofit research group. We work with organizations of all kinds to help them make better, more informed decisions about the future. We provide the foresight to create insights that lead to action. We bring a combination of tools, methodologies, and a deep understanding of emerging trends and discontinuities to our work with companies, foundations, and government agencies. We take an explicitly global approach to strategic planning, linking macro trends to local issues.
Submitted May 10, 2007 to Science Research Groups » Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Weather Underground was originally launced in 1993 as the first online weather service. Weather Underground releases daily forecasts and reports on hourly weather conditions across the United States and the globe.
Submitted May 09, 2007 to Science Research Groups » Biology The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization. IARC's mission is to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and to develop scientific strategies for cancer control. The Agency is involved in both epidemiological and laboratory research and disseminates scientific information through publications, meetings, courses, and fellowships.
Submitted Apr 30, 2007 (Edited Nov 30, 2016) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The Social and Information Sciences Laboratory - SISL - studies how markets and other social systems aggregate large amounts of information that is widely distributed. Researchers in SISL are also working to design new and improved markets, network protocols, sensor systems, and political processes. One of the novel aspects of SISL research concerns understanding how humans interact with technology and what that implies about the design of the technology. Since such systems involve both human behavior and technology, SISL brings together researchers from the social sciences, engineering, and applied and computational mathematics.
Submitted Apr 23, 2007 to Science Research Groups » Biology As the drug discovery and development arm of the National Cancer Institute, the Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) plans, conducts, and facilitates development of therapeutic agents for cancer and AIDS. We are your resource for research materials, including Web-accessible data and tools, vialed and plated compounds, tumor cells, animals, and Investigational New Drug (IND)-directed studies.
Submitted Apr 23, 2007 to Science Research Groups » Biology The EMBL-EBI lies in the 55 acres of landscaped parkland in rural Cambridgeshire that make up the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. As we move towards understanding biology at the systems level, access to large data sets of many different types has become crucial. Technologies such as genome-sequencing, microarrays, proteomics and structural genomics have provided
Submitted Apr 19, 2007 (Edited Sep 14, 2008) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The National Council for Science and the Environment is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the scientific basis for environmental decision-making. We envision a society where environmental decisions by everyone are based on an accurate understanding of the underlying science, its meaning and limitations, and the potential consequences of their action or inaction.
Submitted Apr 19, 2007 (Edited Sep 14, 2008) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The Baker Institute Science and Technology Policy Program is designed to bring attention to and bridge the gap between science and public policy. The mission of the Science and Technology Policy Program is to address a broad range of policy issues which affect scientists and their research. Our goal is to have both scientists and policy makers work together to inform each other on important issues. By doing so, public policy will more accurately reflect current scientific research and be more consistent with scientific consensus. It will also give an opportunity for scientists to learn from the general public and respond to their concerns.
Submitted Apr 15, 2007 (Edited Sep 14, 2008) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The Earth Institute at Columbia University brings together talent from throughout the University to address complex issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, with particular focus on sustainable development and the need of the world's poor. Under the direction of international economist Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, the Earth Institute supports pioneering projects in the biological, engineering, social, and health sciences, while actively encouraging interdisciplinary projects--often combining natural and social sciences--in pursuit of solutions to real world problems.
Submitted Apr 15, 2007 (Edited Sep 14, 2008) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society The Center is a response to an increased demand by public and private decision makers for
Submitted Apr 15, 2007 to Science Research Groups » Earth Science As a world leader in Environmental Sciences CIRES is committed to identifying and pursuing innovative research in Earth System Science and to fostering public awareness of these processes to ensure a sustainable future environment. CIRES is dedicated to fundamental and interdisciplinary research targeted at all aspects of Earth System Science and is communicating these findings to the global scientific community, to decision-makers, and to the public.
Submitted Apr 15, 2007 (Edited Jan 14, 2017) to Science Research Groups » Mechanical Engineering BMW has cars that run on water, emit water vapor at the tailpipe, fill automatically with robots, use hydrogen made from sunlight, and we have been at it for over 30 years!