Science Research Opportunities
Research funding, fellowships, scholarships, and internships in scientific research.
31 listings
Submitted Mar 08, 2005 to Science Research Opportunities To be eligible to participate in the Jefferson Lab High School Summer Honors Program, you must be a high school student who is at least 16 years old, in good academic standing, and who maintains at least a 3.3 grade point average. Students who are selected to participate in the Jefferson Lab High School Summer Honors Program are chosen on the basis of demonstrated skills and merit. Application deadline March 4, 2005.
Submitted Mar 08, 2005 to Science Research Opportunities This program places students in paid internships in Science and Engineering at any of several Department of Energy facilities. Many of the participants in the program have decided on a career in science and engineering because of the nature of the experience. Students work with scientists or engineers on projects related to the laboratories' research programs. The different laboratories each offer different research opportunities (see Choosing a Lab). The summer programs at the various laboratories will run from late May to mid-August, fall programs run from August through December and spring programs from January through May. The exact start date will depend on the laboratory and will be given to participants who have been accepted at that specific laboratory. Students are required to participate for the full term of the program.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Research Opportunities The Center for Environmental Molecular Science (CEMS) sponsors scholarships for selected undergraduates to work at Stony Brook in a 10-week summer program of research in environmental science. Students from a variety of undergraduate major fields of study at institutions across the United States experience research first hand under the direction of faculty mentors.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Research Opportunities Get hands-on research experience in radio astronomy at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. There are several programs available to K-12 teachers, undergraduates and graduate students. Visit the site to find out more.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Research Opportunities SEAS is a pilot program for students interested in learning about the science of the deep sea. Join the SEAS program and submit YOUR proposal for an experiment at sea! Follow selected student experiments as they are conducted at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise, and learn how to analyze the data generated. Submit your own analysis to the Student Experiment Report Competition at the end of the school year.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Research Opportunities The essence of the REVEL Project is the interaction of highly-motivated science teachers hungry for opportunities to engage in science and innovative scientists pursuing cutting-edge research. The scope of this research encompasses a wide variety of scientific problems that range from the origin of life to new aspects of biotechnology. For example, recent research indicates that in the presence of liquid water, volcanoes on the seafloor can sustain life-forms without sunlight. By inference, volcanoes on other planets may sustain similar life-forms. REVEL explores the relationship between different types of volcanoes and life, using this central concept to entrain teachers and their classes in today's scientific quest. Selected science teachers participate in seagoing research expeditions as formal members of the scientific party thus providing our children with the experience of active scientific inquiry.
Application deadline: March 31, 2005 |
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Research Opportunities The Science Olympiad is an international nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. These goals are accomplished through classroom activities, research, training workshops and the encouragement of intramural, district, regional, state and national tournaments. The Science Olympiad tournaments are rigorous academic interscholastic competitions that consist of a series of individual and team events, which students prepare for during the year.
Submitted Dec 26, 2004 to Science Research Opportunities Two 2-year fellowships will be awarded in 2005, and will provide a minimum annual pay of $36,000 depending on years of research experience. The fellowships would enable new postdoctoral associates to work on an interdisciplinary project with a Bio-X faculty housed in the Clark Center and another faculty member elsewhere in the university. Postdoctoral fellows already working at Stanford or those already supported from other full fellowship sources are not eligible. Bio-X fellowship can not be used in combination with other funding beyond small adjustments made to ensure equity within programs. The start date of an awarded fellowship can be postponed for a maximum of six months.
Submitted Oct 16, 2004 to Science Research Opportunities The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University invites recent Ph.D. recipients or Ph.D. candidates of the Year 2005, in any field of the earth, environmental and ocean sciences, to apply for Postdoctoral Fellowships that begin in September 2005. Lamont's mission is to understand the fundamental dynamics of our planet from the core to the uppermost reaches of our atmosphere and how these dynamics interact with the biosphere and human systems. Our principal selection criteria are excellence and interdisciplinary scope. Current expertise and research interests at Lamont-Doherty and Columbia include solid earth dynamics (e.g. seismology, mantle dynamics, petrology/geochemistry, earthquake and rock mechanics, marine and continental tectonics/geology/geophysics), ocean and atmospheric dynamics (e.g. climate/paleoclimate, physical/chemical oceanography, El Ni� dynamics and forecasting) and life sciences (e.g. biological oceanography, plant physiology, paleontology). In addition, we are also developing new programs in complex and dynamic systems, coastal and estuarine processes, earth surface processes, energy systems, terrestrial ecology, hydrology and water resources, and natural hazards. Applications from all fields are encouraged. The fellowships are institutionally supported for 21 months, include a $5,000 research allowance and carry an annual stipend of $45,000. The deadline for completed applications for the Postdoctoral Fellowship is January 14, 2005.
Submitted Oct 09, 2004 to Science Research Opportunities Ridge 2000 is accepting applications for the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The Ridge 2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship Program fosters cross-disciplinary research by providing opportunities for new scientists to further develop their interdisciplinary research experience. Applicants already working on Ridge crest problems, who wish to apply their expertise to problems in related disciplines that are distinct from those of their Ph.D. research, are encouraged to apply. Applicants not already working on Ridge crest problems, who would bring their conceptual and technical expertise to a priority Ridge 2000 objective, are also encouraged to apply. Ridge 2000 Postdoctoral Fellowships will be awarded for a two-year period, and are renewable for a third year. Fellowships provide: a salary and benefits consistent with normal institutional practice for post-doctoral fellows. Applications due February 15 and August 15 annually.
Submitted Oct 09, 2004 to Science Research Opportunities The Graduate Research Fellowship provides three years of support for graduate study leading to research-based master's or doctoral degrees and is intended for students who are at the early stages of their graduate study. The Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) invests in graduate education for a cadre of diverse individuals who demonstrate their potential to successfully complete graduate degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of the National Science Foundation. Applicants must be United States citizens or nationals, or permanent resident aliens of the United States. Fellowships are intended for individuals in the earliest stages of their graduate study. Applicants must have completed no more than twelve months of full-time graduate study or the equivalent in part-time study.
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