LDEO Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Earth, Environmental, and Ocean Sciences
The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University invites recent Ph.D. recipients or Ph.D. candidates of the Year 2005, in any field of the earth, environmental and ocean sciences, to apply for Postdoctoral Fellowships that begin in September 2005. Lamont's mission is to understand the fundamental dynamics of our planet from the core to the uppermost reaches of our atmosphere and how these dynamics interact with the biosphere and human systems. Our principal selection criteria are excellence and interdisciplinary scope. Current expertise and research interests at Lamont-Doherty and Columbia include solid earth dynamics (e.g. seismology, mantle dynamics, petrology/geochemistry, earthquake and rock mechanics, marine and continental tectonics/geology/geophysics), ocean and atmospheric dynamics (e.g. climate/paleoclimate, physical/chemical oceanography, El Ni� dynamics and forecasting) and life sciences (e.g. biological oceanography, plant physiology, paleontology). In addition, we are also developing new programs in complex and dynamic systems, coastal and estuarine processes, earth surface processes, energy systems, terrestrial ecology, hydrology and water resources, and natural hazards. Applications from all fields are encouraged. The fellowships are institutionally supported for 21 months, include a $5,000 research allowance and carry an annual stipend of $45,000. The deadline for completed applications for the Postdoctoral Fellowship is January 14, 2005. |
Submitted by elementlist on Oct 16, 2004 |
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