
Ridge 2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship

Ridge 2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship
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Ridge 2000 is accepting applications for the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The Ridge 2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship Program fosters cross-disciplinary research by providing opportunities for new scientists to further develop their interdisciplinary research experience. Applicants already working on Ridge crest problems, who wish to apply their expertise to problems in related disciplines that are distinct from those of their Ph.D. research, are encouraged to apply. Applicants not already working on Ridge crest problems, who would bring their conceptual and technical expertise to a priority Ridge 2000 objective, are also encouraged to apply. Ridge 2000 Postdoctoral Fellowships will be awarded for a two-year period, and are renewable for a third year. Fellowships provide: a salary and benefits consistent with normal institutional practice for post-doctoral fellows. Applications due February 15 and August 15 annually.
Submitted by elementlist on Oct 09, 2004
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