
REVEL Project - Research and Education: Volcanoes, Exploration and Life

REVEL Project - Research and Education: Volcanoes, Exploration and Life
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The essence of the REVEL Project is the interaction of highly-motivated science teachers hungry for opportunities to engage in science and innovative scientists pursuing cutting-edge research. The scope of this research encompasses a wide variety of scientific problems that range from the origin of life to new aspects of biotechnology. For example, recent research indicates that in the presence of liquid water, volcanoes on the seafloor can sustain life-forms without sunlight. By inference, volcanoes on other planets may sustain similar life-forms. REVEL explores the relationship between different types of volcanoes and life, using this central concept to entrain teachers and their classes in today's scientific quest. Selected science teachers participate in seagoing research expeditions as formal members of the scientific party thus providing our children with the experience of active scientific inquiry.
Application deadline: March 31, 2005
Submitted by elementlist on Feb 16, 2005
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