Science Courses and Tutorials
Science education websites including university courses online, massive open online courses, and tutorials. No commercial sites.
344 listings
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 to Science Courses and Tutorials The KEEP toolkit is a set of web-based tools that help teachers, students and institutions quickly create compact and engaging knowledge representations on the Web. Share ideas for peer-review, assessment, collective knowledge building, and others purposes to advance teaching and learning as a community of practice and reflection.
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 to Science Courses and Tutorials The Open University's OpenLearn website is a free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world. In the LearningSpace, where Open University learning materials are freely available, you may study in your own time, away from any formal teaching environment. Visit the LabSpace to share and reuse educational resources. Download some learning materials, adapt to your needs: translate, shorten, extend, add examples... and then of course, place it back for others to benefit!
Submitted Jan 27, 2007 (Edited Nov 19, 2009) to Science Courses and Tutorials Connexions is an environment for collaboratively developing, freely sharing, and rapidly publishing scholarly content on the Web. Our Content Commons contains educational materials for everyone
Submitted Jan 13, 2007 (Edited Jan 13, 2007) to Science Courses and Tutorials A beginner's guide to understanding the issue of global warming. Covers the Greenhouse Effect, scientific evidence, skeptics, and the Kyoto Protocol. Published by the Woods Hole Research Center.
Submitted Oct 31, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials Welcome to the Periodic Table of Comic Books. What is an element in science? Click on an element to see a list of comic book pages involving that element. Click on a thumbnail on the list to see a full comic book page. For technical information about an element, follow the link to Mark Winter's WebElements. We recommend that you start with oxygen to see some of our best stuff. There's something for everyone here!
Submitted Oct 29, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials Online texts and study materials covering classical physics, computer science, quantum physics, relativity, pedagogy, statistics and data analysis, and modern physics. Hosted by UPSCALE: Undergraduate Physics Student Computing and Learning Environment, Department of Physics, University of Toronto.
Submitted Oct 29, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials links you to comprehensive tutorials in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering. Subjects include thermodynamics, atomic structure, nomenclature, organic chemistry, spectroscopy, acids and basis, chromatography, electronic structure, and more.
Submitted Oct 19, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials These pages are designed to help students and teachers understand the mathematical ideas behind the beautiful geometric fractal images known as the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. Included are a series of interactive explorations that will help you discover the meaning of such topics as Julia Set Explosions, Rotation Numbers, Bifurcations, and much more. You can use this site as a companion to the book called "The Mandelbrot and Julia Sets: A Toolkit of Dynamics Activities" or you can use it as a stand-alone tool for exploring the incredible mathematics behind these images.
Submitted Oct 15, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials EcoHealth is rooted in serious science. In fact, it grew out of a graduate course at Johns Hopkins University. This website was developed as a tool for students and teachers. But it's also a great resource for anyone interested in the environment and human health. Our science team taps the latest research to keep the site up-to-date and accurate. Team leader Dr. Patz also co-edits the new academic journal EcoHealth. Photos, diagrams, maps, and video clips enhance our coverage of complex topics. Links take you to carefully-chosen sites where you can learn more. Lesson plans connect these vital topics to national science education standards. The news page links today's headlines to indepth analysis throughout the site. The glossary includes cutting-edge scientific terms and phrases.
Submitted Sep 14, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials When Bell began working on his now famous inequality his goal was to determine the consequences of any local hidden variable theory, like that proposed by Einstein, Poldosky, and Rosen in 1935. The results of Bells work shook the foundations of the realist perspective of Quantum Mechanics, and had dramatic philosophical consequences on the debate over the goals and purpose of science. Many argue that Bells theorem is not only one of the most important discoveries in Modern Quantum Mechanics, but because of its extensive ramifications on the way we MUST look at Quantum Mechanics, it is also one of the most important in terms of the philosophy and direction of science.
Submitted Sep 11, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials During the years from 1758 to 1782 Charles Messier, a French astronomer (1730 - 1817), compiled a list of approximately 100 diffuse objects that were difficult to distinguish from comets through the telescopes of the day. Discovering comets was the way to make a name for yourself in astronomy in the 18th century -- Messier's aim was to catalog the objects that were often mistaken for comets. The purpose of these web pages is to provide a complete guide to the 110 objects recognized as the standard Messier catalog. More importantly, we would like to generate interest in astronomy, the night sky and the universe beyond us, and to encourage a sense of wonder and exploration. We also hope that these pages may be useful as a reference for amateur astronomers. Sponsored by the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS).
Submitted Sep 09, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials Having problems putting together your ACR submission? Acquiring the phantom images? We can help. All You really need to know about MRI Physics: One of the most popular textbooks for those looking for an introduction to MRI Physics. Great for technologists and Radiology residents, application speciallists and service engineers. Introduction to MRI - A Shockwave Movie: View a colorful, animated introduction to the basic principles of MRI. Protons and vectors that spin and dephase in 3 dimensions. Really Cool!
Submitted Sep 09, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials Welcome to the Computational Geometry Pages, a (hopefully) comprehensive directory of computational geometry resources both on and off the Internet. Contributions and suggestions from the community are always welcome!
Submitted Sep 06, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials A publication of the American Geological Institute. The Earth Science World ImageBank has photographs of all aspects of Earth Science available to the public, educators, and the geoscience community. Search the ImageBank's thousands of photos! Select multiple time periods from a list and display them on an Interactive Geological Time Scale. Get climate data from weather stations around the world. Investigate Careers in Geoscience and learn about job opportunities, degrees programs, and enrollment statisics in the Earth Sciences. Search for
Earth Science-related books and learn which are most popular. Participate in Earth Science Week and share your enthusiasm for the Earth Sciences with others. Play an interactive game to discover the excitement of the exploration for oil. |
Submitted Sep 05, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials LearningGEOSCIENCE: EAGE's e-learning journal is a distribution channel for exciting and interactive multimedia learning content in the sciences of geology, geophysics and petroleum. It is the first of its kind and will hopefully set a standard for how to communicate high-quality multimedia learning experiences. Instead of providing paper-based articles, learningGEOSCIENCE contains interactive multimedia learning experiences; each takes 15-60 minutes to go through. These are much more suitable for learning over the Internet than paper-based articles in PDF-format, and are generally much more exciting.
Submitted Jun 13, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials Stromboli Online enriches and stimulates the teaching of Earth Sciences by presenting images, movies, data, virtual field trips and other educational material in relation to volcanoes. Although there is some emphasis on Stromboli and Etna we also cover many other volcanic areas of the Earth. Find 3D images of volcanoes, watch volcanoes live from the volcano cam, and take a virtual climb up the side of volcanoes Etna, Stromboli, and many others.
Submitted Jun 07, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials The Volcano Listings will take you to lists of all volcanoes on VW. Sorted by: World Region, Country/Area, Volcano Name, Volcano Descriptions. Other topics include current eruptions, volcanoes, Mt. St. Helens, ask a volcanologist, reader comments, volcano adventures, interviews, teaching and learning, kids' door, volcano workshops, volcano mall, today in volcano history. Created by scientists at the University of North Dakota.
Submitted Jun 07, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials Consider the immense pressure put on the environment. Researchers Bill Rees and Mathis Wackernagel have developed the ecological footprint conceptthe area of land needed to provide the necessary resources and absorb the wastes generated by a communityto highlight the impact of cities on the environment. This site explains the science behind the term 'ecological footprint' and provides links to numerous related websites. Hosted by the Global Development Research Center.
Submitted Jun 04, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials This site based on the book Atomic Bombing: How to Protect Yourself, published in 1950, details what is likely to occur in the event of an atomic bombing. It covers the destruction from the bomb, various types of bombing scenarios, and the aftereffects of the bombing.
Submitted Jun 04, 2006 to Science Courses and Tutorials Cosmology is the scientific study of the large scale properties of the Universe as a whole. It endeavors to use the scientific method to understand the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the entire Universe. This primer in cosmological concepts is organized as follows: The main concepts of the Big Bang theory are introduced in the first section with scant regard to actual observations. The second section discusses the classic tests of the Big Bang theory that make it so compelling as an apparently valid description of our universe. The third section discusses observations that highlight limitations of the Big Bang theory and point to a more detailed model of cosmology than the Big Bang theory alone provides. As discussed in the first section, the Big Bang theory predicts a range of possibilities for the structure and evolution of the universe. The final section discusses what constraints we can place on the nature of our universe based on current data, and indicates how WMAP furthers our understanding of cosmology. In addition, a few related topics are discussed based on commmonly asked questions. This site is hosted by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.