Science Courses and Tutorials
Science education websites including university courses online, massive open online courses, and tutorials. No commercial sites.
344 listings
Submitted Mar 19, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials What does Quantum Universe mean?
To discover what the universe is made of and how it works is the challenge of particle physics. Quantum Universe presents the quest to explain the universe in terms of quantum physics, which governs the behavior of the microscopic, subatomic world. It describes a revolution in particle physics and a quantum leap in our understanding of the mystery and beauty of the universe. |
Submitted Mar 10, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Welcome to the ANS Public Information web site, where you will find information on nuclear science and technology and how it influences your life through five major application fields: food irradiation, industry, medicine, space, and electricity. At this site, students will learn more about the world in which they live and teachers will find it an excellent resource for their students class projects. Others will find useful information about living in our radioactive world. The information is peer-reviewed by scientists, engineers, professors, and others who have nuclear-related jobs.
Submitted Mar 08, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials As a world-class research facility, Jefferson Lab is a valued partner to the local, regional and national education community. Jefferson Lab's long-term commitment to science education continues to focus on increasing the number of teachers with a substantial background in math and science, strengthening the motivation and preparation of all students, especially minorities and females, and addressing the serious under representation of minorities and females in science, math, engineering and technology careers. Categories: teacher resources, student zone, games and puzzles, programs and events.
Submitted Mar 04, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Topics include atmospheres, calendars, galactic astronomy, observational astronomy, remote sensing, solar system, stars.
Submitted Mar 04, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Topics include chemical reactions, experimental chemistry, geology, inorganic chemistry, mineralogy, organic chemistry, petrology, quantum chemistry.
Submitted Mar 04, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Topics include astrophysics, electromagnetism, experimental physics, fluid mechanics, history and terminology, mechanics, modern physics, optics, states of matter, thermodynamics, units and dimensional analysis, wave motion.
Submitted Mar 04, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Eric Weisstein's World of Science is written and maintained by the author as a public service for scientific knowledge and education. Although it is often difficult to find explanations for technical subjects that are both clear and accessible, this web site bridges the gap by placing an interlinked framework of mathematical exposition and illustrative examples at the fingertips of every internet user.
Submitted Mar 01, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials is dedicated to providing revolutionary ways for students, parents, teachers, and everyone to learn math. Combining educationally sound principles with proprietary technology, offers a unique experience that quickly guides the user to the solutions they need and the products they want. These solutions include assessment, on-demand modular courses that target key math concepts, 24/7 live online tutoring, and expert answers to math questions. In addition to solutions, offers exploratory and recreational introductions to the world of math that will lead to deeper understanding and enjoyment.
Submitted Feb 20, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Frequently lost in the policy discussions about human embryonic stem cells research are concrete realities that will determine how quickly such research will result in treatments and cures. Scientists are conducting research. Federal and local legislators are writing laws to broadly support the research. Non-profit health organizations and private companies are funding some of the most cutting-edge approaches. Here we will offer a selection of current research programs, new lawmaking, and happenings away from government and academia that will contribute to useful understandings of stem cells.
Submitted Feb 20, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Cells, DNA, genes, chromosomes, and proteins.
Submitted Feb 20, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Genetics Home Reference is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes or chromosomes responsible for those conditions.
Submitted Feb 17, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Oceanlink is dedicated to ocean education. Throughout these pages, you will find all kinds of interesting information about things like: the biggest sea animals, marine biology careers, answers to common ocean/animal questions, and much more!!
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Interactive periodic table of the elements on the web. See also the WebElements Scholar edition for students.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials eFunda stands for engineering Fundamentals. Its mission is to create an online destination for the engineering community, where working professionals can quickly find concise and reliable information to meet the majority of their daily reference needs. eFunda is all about the basics, for most part, that means college level material covered in engineering schools. If you practice engineering, more often than not you would find yourself searching for something you knew but could not quite remember. eFunda wants to be your reminder of these formulas. Not only that, eFunda wants to tell you exactly under what conditions those formulas apply, so you don't have to read an entire chapter of the good old textbook.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Current Volcanic Activity Information. Learn About Volcanoes. Information for Future Volcanologists.
Activities and "Fun Stuff." Posters and Videos, etc. Special Features and Useful Pages. Useful Links. Other Menus of Interest. |
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials A multimedia tour covering the discovery of the ozone hole, recent ozone loss over Antarctica, the science of the ozone hole, and the latest ozone hole research at the University of Cambridge.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Volcanic arcs and oceanic trenches partly encircling the Pacific Basin form the so-called Ring of Fire, a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The volcanic island arcs are parallel to, and always landward of, the trenches. For example, the island arc associated with the Aleutian Trench is represented by the long chain of volcanoes that make up the Aleutian Islands.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials A fuel cell is a device that uses hydrogen (or hydrogen-rich fuel) and oxygen to create electricity. Fuel cells are more energy-efficient than combustion engines andd the hydrogen used to power them can come from a variety of sources. If pure hydrogen is used as a fuel, fuel cells emit only heat and water, eliminating concerns about air pollutants or greenhouse gases. This site from the U.S. Department of Energy contains an animated Flash illustration of how fuel cells work.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Tsunami! is a University of Washington website that has been developed to provide general information about tsunamis. Tsunamis are large water waves, typically generated by seismic activity, that have historically caused significant damage to coastal communities throughout the world. This site has been developed with a broad audience in mind; consequently, it contains extensive background information that is intended primarily for the general public, including information about the mechanisms of tsunami generation and propagation, the impact of tsunamis on humankind, and the Tsunami Warning System. This site also contains more detailed information about recent tsunami events that will be of interest to tsunami and interdisciplinary researchers.
Submitted Feb 16, 2005 to Science Courses and Tutorials Nuclear Fusion is the energy-producing process which takes place continuously in the sun and stars. In the core of the sun at temperatures of 10-15 million degrees Celsius, Hydrogen is converted to Helium providing enough energy to sustain life on earth. MORE...