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  • Global Water Crisis Looms Larger [New Scientist] - Did you know this week was World Water Week? Neither did we. Enjoy it while it lasts. The water, that is.
  • When Levees Fail [GeoTimes] - In another kind of water crisis, levees all over the world from California to the Netherlands are getting a closer inspection ever since Katrina. You can't drink it, but you can drown in it.
  • NASA Technology Comes to Rescue of Injured U.S. Troops [NASA Spinoffs] - NASA technology being used here on Earth? Don't tell Bush that. Just say it's a Mars walker.
  • The 1,800-Fold Price Hike [Slate] - Ortho-McNeil, maker of birth control pills and patches, inexplicably jacks up the prices it charges publicly-funded health clinics from a penny per pack to more than $18. Did the Bush administration pull Title X funding for affordable birth control?
Submitted by elementlist on Sep 04, 2006
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