
Just In Time for School: Free Online Science Textbooks

Just In Time for School: Free Online Science Textbooks
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textbook revolutionTired of paying hundreds of dollars for science textbooks each semester? Jason Turgeon has come to the rescue with Textbook Revolution, a website containing links to free, online textbooks in a range of science topics from biology to computer science to math and physics. Even if you have already bought your textbooks for the semester, the site is useful for finding additional information and alternative perspectives on the same subjects. Some textbooks are not exactly books in the linear sense, but are websites with plentiful graphics and flash-based multimedia, such as An Outline of American Geography by Birdsall and Florin and Plate Tectonics by Kare Kullerud. If you have a textbook of your own to contribute, Textbook Revolution is always looking for more submissions.
Submitted by elementlist on Sep 05, 2006
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