
New Science Webzine: NYU's Scienceline

New Science Webzine: NYUs Scienceline
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sciencelineStudents at New York University's Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program (SHERP) have created a new webzine called Scienceline. Started by NYU grad student Karen Schrock in July 2006, Scienceline covers topics in biology, environmental science, health, physics, technology, and science policy. The webzine contains original reporting as well as a blog and a weekly science Q&A. Many of the articles are focused on people and events in the NYC area, such as The Blue Revolution, by Edyta Zielinska, which covers Brooklyn College Lecturer Martin Schreiber's efforts to develop sustainable urban aquaculture, or fish-farming, in New York City. These students are the science writers of tomorrow. Catch them now and you can say you knew them when.
Submitted by elementlist on Sep 08, 2006
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