
Multimedia Friday: Inventors, Scientists, and Rockets, Oh my!

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  • space shuttle atlantisNASA Shuttle Launch TODAY! - As of this writing at 7:00am EST, we are only four and a half hours away from the launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA, getting all techy on us, actually has its own Mission STS-115 launch blog and live webTV feed for the event. Don't miss it. [UPDATE: Liftoff has been delayed 24 hours so that we can gaze upon the technological wonder on the launching pad just a little longer.]
  • The Art of Engineering - James Dyson, famous for inventing the Dyson vacuum cleaner and the endlessly annoying "I just think things should work properly" tagline, speaks to students and faculty at MIT about engineering, invention, and business. Maybe NASA should hire George Dyson.
  • Dr. Carlson's Science Theater - Dr. Matt Carlson, a high school chemistry and physics teacher near Lafayette, Indiana, has posted a series of podcasts on his blog featuring science experiments in the lab. Watch as he makes elephant toothpaste or risks life and limb to demonstrate how a fire extinguisher acts like a jet.
  • Submitted by elementlist on Sep 08, 2006
    660 views. Averaging 0 views per day.

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