
Geek Chic: You Make My Dopamine Levels Soar!

Geek Chic: You Make My Dopamine Levels Soar!
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madewithmoleculesRaven Hanna, a Yale-educated scientist turned artist in San Francisco, California, creates her own science-inspired jewelry and other gifts for her company Made With Molecules. Her designs feature familiar molecules in sterling silver, printed textiles, such as her Testosterone Boxer Shorts (currently sold out), and holiday cards. While a "mood charm bracelet" may bring visions of New Age hocus-pocus, Hanna's NeuroCharm Bracelet is firmly based in chemistry and includes charms in the shape of neurotransmitters acetylcholine, dopamine, GABA, glutamate, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and serotonin. If you're feeling particularly low on dopamine, you can even buy extra charms. Other items for sale include the Dopamine Heart Card and Glucose baby shirts for "your little sweetie."
Submitted by elementlist on Sep 09, 2006
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