2 matching results for "nuclear":
Submitted Jan 23, 2017 to Scientific Data Since 1951, 41 nations have engaged in the construction of 754 nuclear reactors. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has created an interactive visualization on nuclear power reactor construction that shows the distribution of nuclear reactors by geography, year, and degrees of development or abandonment.
Submitted Jan 11, 2017 (Edited Jan 12, 2017) to Science Research Groups » Science and Society Nuclear dangers are increasing, yet remain largely underappreciated. Carnegie’s Nuclear Policy Program works to strengthen international security by diagnosing acute nuclear risks, informing debates on solutions, and engaging international actors to effect change. Our work spans deterrence, disarmament, nonproliferation, nuclear security, and nuclear energy. Our tools include research, capacity building, dialogue, and direct engagement with policymakers and industry.
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