
Quantum Information Science Group at Stanford

Quantum Information Science Group at Stanford
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The Quantum Information Science group at Stanford University is led by Professor Yoshihisa Yamamoto. Stanford Quantum Information Science group investigates ways to generate and manipulate quantum states in photonic, electronic and nuclear systems. We anticipate such techniques to control photonic qubits, nuclear qubits and electronic qubits will be applied to future quantum communication systems, quantum computation systems and the interface between the two. We focus our theoretical and experimental efforts on four areas, Photonic Quantum Information System, Exciton Polariton laser and BEC in Semiconductors, Mesoscopic Transport, Exciton Polariton, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Solids, to develop new experimental techniques to control photonic, electronic and nuclear qubits.
Submitted by elementlist on Mar 02, 2006
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