Reflection Seismology News
A special section for the reflection seismology community containing research news and opportunities.
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Submitted Sep 26, 2005 to Science Research Groups » Reflection Seismology News The 12th International Symposium on "Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and Their Margins" will be held at Shonan Village Center, Hayama, near Tokyo, Japan. The symposium, partly sponsored by JSPS and IGCP 474, will take place from Sunday September 24, 2006 to Friday September 29, 2006. We invite submission of research papers concerning deep seismic techniques for imaging and constraining the structure, composition and tectonics of the continental lithosphere. The focus of the scientific program will be studies of the Earth's crust and lithosphere using seismic reflection, refraction and teleseismic methods, and integration of these studies with other geophysical techniques and geological data. Because of the strong interest by Japanese earth scientists in disastrous earthquakes which occur in and around the Japanese islands, we add two sessions on "Subduction structures of megathrust zones" and "Seismic investigations for disastrous earthquake areas". Both oral and poster contributions are encouraged.
Submitted Sep 23, 2005 to Science Research Groups » Reflection Seismology News Ridge 2000 Progress and Planning Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 30 October - 2 November 2005. Please register as soon as possible if you would like to attend this meeting. For more information on the meeting and the registration page:
Submitted Sep 22, 2005 to Science Research Groups » Reflection Seismology News Craig Beasley, President of SEG, announced today that "At this writing, we find our members under the threat of another potentially devastating hurricane. Today as Hurricane Rita approaches the Texas Gulf Coast it already has been measured as the third largest Atlantic storm ever. With many variables it is difficult to predict an outcome. We expect that with the time remaining before the SEG 75th Annual Meeting that Houston will be able to recover and host our convention. We will be in touch with e-mail updates as events unfold."
Submitted Sep 21, 2005 to Science Research Groups » Reflection Seismology News Academic seismic reflection and refraction data center. Metadata and data from seismic cruises worldwide. The purpose of this project was to organize UTIG seismic reflection data into a modern relational database management system accessible through the Internet. The system is designed principally for academic scientific use. Users include scientists, research staff and students from around the world that have high bandwidth Internet access. The main features include using Excel files to enter and update metadata, which are uploaded into mySQL, a public-domain SQL server, and then PHP scripts query the metadata and directories, creating web pages, displaying images, and providing ftp links.
Submitted Sep 20, 2005 to Science Research Groups » Reflection Seismology News SYMPOSIUM on 3-D Seismic Reflection Imaging: A new opportunity for Marine Geoscience Research. Agenda, speakers, hotels, proposal, steering committee. September 8-10, 2005. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Palisades, NY
Submitted Sep 19, 2005 to Science Research Groups » Reflection Seismology News Larry Clark, Director of the NSF Division of Ocean Sciences, announced today that after 17 years of service Dave Epp is retiring from his position as Program Director of the Marine Geology and Geophysics (MG&G) Program effective September 30th. In a written statment to the Marine Geology and Geophysics research community, Larry Clark said, "Dave has been a very valuable member of the Division of Ocean Sciences who is valued by the community for his expertise and leadership in many areas of MG&G, especially for the RIDGE (and later R2K) Program with which he has been affiliated since its inception. We wish Dave the very best in his retirement."
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