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  • biotechFlorida lures San Diego-based biomedical labs with wads of cash [San Diego Union-Tribune] - "Florida's strategy is simple: If it attracts basic research institutions such as Scripps, Burnham and Torrey Pines smaller biotech companies, for-profit drug firms, venture capitalists and all the other attendant industries will follow." Didn't anyone tell them there are hurricanes there?
  • Nuclear 9/11? [Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists] - "On a normal workday, half a million people crowd the area within a half-mile radius of New York City's Times Square. If terrorists detonated a 10-kiloton nuclear weapon in the heart of midtown Manhattan, the blast would kill them all instantly. Hundreds of thousands of others would die from collapsing buildings, fire, and fallout in the hours and days thereafter. The blast would instantly vaporize Times Square, Grand Central Terminal, and every other structure within half a mile of the point of detonation. Buildings three-quarters of a mile from ground zero would be fractured husks."
  • The efficient markets hypothesis can land you in jail [The Economist] - "Jamie Olis knows better than most people that the ideas conjured up by economists in their ivory towers can have a big effect on the real world. The tax accountant, found guilty of committing fraud while working for Dynegy, an energy-trading firm, has been doing time since March 2004, in large part thanks to a controversial economic theory, the efficient markets hypothesis."
  • Submitted by elementlist on Sep 11, 2006
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