
Multimedia Friday: Ravaging Chickens, Dawkins on Colbert, and Fractals

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  • tokyo chicken monsanto movieGenetically Modified Chicken Roozilla Attacks Tokyo [YouTube] - Monsanto's big eggs produce big chickens and Tokyo gets nuked in the end. How come Tokyo gets all the cool, huge monsters? Better tell PVBilly to put on his Foil Helmet!
  • Dawkins on The Colbert Report - Stephen Colbert takes evolutionary theorist and Oxford Professor Richard Dawkins to task over his latest book The God Delusion. [Part 1, Part 2]
  • A Little Trip Through the MandelBulbs - This little video by Robert Devaney at Boston University shows the beautiful behavior of Mandelbrot and Julia fractal sets. The Mandelbrot Set Explorer website provides a primer that explains the math behind the pretty pictures.
  • Submitted by elementlist on Oct 24, 2006
    629 views. Averaging 0 views per day.

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