
Multimedia Friday: Better Late Than Never Edition

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  • ms photosynth videoMicrosoft Photosynth - Microsoft made something cool. No, really. See how 2-D pictures can be combined to create 3-D images in a volume. Now mash it up with Flickr and Google Earth. My head just exploded.
  • MIT Whiteboard Brings Drawings to Life - Watch MIT Professor Randall Davis as he draws a car on a ramp using Sketch Recognition. The computer-linked whiteboard understands that he's drawn something with wheels on a slope and animates the car rolling down the slope under the force of gravity. Even drawing the wheel axis slightly off-center makes the car wobble on its way down. Physics professors and engineers will love this tool if/when it comes to market.
  • Make a Lego Rocket Launcher - This isn't your garden variety rocket launcher. It's a "laser target-finding, self-reloading, multi-shot rotary rocket launcher." The site has videos of the rocket launcher in action as well as CAD renderings and the software file used to program the launcher.
  • Graphical Multiplication - Here's a cute multiplication trick. Multiply any two numbers by drawing straight lines for each numeral first diagonally down to the right for the first number and then down to the left for the second number. Then add up the points of intersection. The video shows a special trick for carrying over numbers greater than nine.
  • Submitted by elementlist on Nov 19, 2006
    1,861 views. Averaging 0 views per day.

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