
Multimedia Friday - Get your Flash Science Fix

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richard feynmanThere are lots of fun online videos covering science topics that we hardly ever take the time to review. So as the work week winds down, take a look at these when the boss isn't watching.
  • EPIC 2014: How will you get your news in the future? In the year 2014, The New York Times has gone offline. The Fourth Estate's fortunes have waned. What happened to the news? And what is EPIC?
  • NASA TV: NASA has replaced its analog TV program with digital TV online. Watch NASA TV live feeds about the International Space Station and other on-going science programs. It's like CNN for space science.
  • Richard Feynman Lectures: A series of four lectures, the Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures, were given by Feynman at the University of Auckland in 1979 and are now available on digital video. The lectures cover photons, quantum behavior, Feynman diagrams and particle interaction, and an overview of the state of the science in quantum physics (circa 1979). The video quality is excellent and the lectures can be understood by non-scientists. Hosted by the Vega Science Trust.
  • Submitted by elementlist on Jan 06, 2006
    1,079 views. Averaging 0 views per day.

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