Geek Chic: Convertible Computer Desk and Murphy Bed
You're not a truly dedicated grad student until you've spent a night, or perhaps a whole weekend, working and sleeping in the lab. But sleeping on the floor, even with a small sleeping mat, can be uncomfortable, assuming you have room to stretch out in the first place. The Computer Bed from Flying has been making the rounds on the blog circuit this week. During the day, it's a roomy desk, and at night it folds down into a bed without dumping the contents of your desk all over the place. It comes in several stains as well as black and white. At a price of over $2000 plus the twin mattress, this may be out of reach of most grad students, but the construction seems simple enough that you could build one for yourself. (via Make) |
Submitted by elementlist on May 09, 2006 (Edited Jun 12, 2006) |
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Comments on Geek Chic: Convertible Computer Desk and Murphy Bed
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This is oh, so clever!!! I want one.