
Gagosian to Step Down as Director of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Gagosian to Step Down as Director of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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Dr. Robert 'Bob' Gagosian, Director of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) since 1994, announced yesterday that he is stepping down as Director of WHOI in six weeks. Jim Luyten, WHOI Executive Vice President and Director of Research, will step in as Acting Director until a replacement is found. WHOI is the largest private, independent marine research facility in the United States and operates one of the world's top marine science graduate degree programs jointly with MIT. A tipster writes that Bob is not leaving directly for another job, but that he wants to do something 'for the community.' Could he be heading to Washington, D.C.? The science world waits with bated breath....
Submitted by elementlist on Jun 07, 2006
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