
Element List Contest: Write a science joke. Win a mug.

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seed science blog paris hilton

We really hate to dis a sister science blog site, but it would seem that science blogging has totally gone to the dogs at ScienceBlogs. Wordburst (above) lists the five words "appearing with unusual frequency" on the Seed ScienceBlogs site as of Saturday beginning with "stupider." Be our cat's paw. Write a science joke or even a sentence using these five words and receive a free Element List mug! If the winner is a Seed blogger, we'll even throw in an Element List T-shirt!! Post your joke in the comments or email it to
Submitted by elementlist on Oct 21, 2006
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Comments on Element List Contest: Write a science joke. Win a mug.

Jim Anderson

Jim Anderson
42 of 64 people found this comment helpful
Posted Oct 21, 2006 - 10:52 AM:

This is pretty much impossible, but here goes:

Deepak Chopra walks into a bar, a copy of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind pressed close to his breasts. "I'm looking for the ultimate spiritual high," he says. "I want to ingest a beverage that will enlighten, and yet not make me stupider, like alcohol. Got anything... quantum?"

Puzzled, the barkeep turns to a bearded blogger at the end of the bar. "Hey scientist," he says, "what can I give this guy that'll knock him out and simultaneously enlighten?"

"Dunno," says the blogger. "How about a Fisking?"
David Mazel

David Mazel
35 of 55 people found this comment helpful
Posted Oct 22, 2006 - 11:47 AM:

Allow me to build on Jim Anderspon's excellent start:

Deepak Chopra walks into a bar, a copy of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind pressed close to his breasts. "I'm looking for the ultimate spiritual high," he says. "I want to ingest a beverage that will enlighten, and yet not make me stupider, like alcohol. Got anything... quantum?"

Puzzled, the barkeep looks down the bar to a bearded blogger, known for his subtle fisking. "Hey scientist," he says, "what can I give this guy that'll enlighten him without making him stupider?"

"Nothing," says the blogger. "Nothing could make Deepak Chopra any stupider."

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