
Click One for Darwin

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Google ads are a bit funny. No matter what the ad is actually for, if an advertiser bids enough for certain keywords, like say, "Darwin" or "science research," pretty much any advertisement could show up in our little Google ads space. Nevermind whether Element List readers, typically academic researcher types, own a European automobile or care about the latest creationist buzz. We've been bombarded lately by creationist and intelligent designs ads in particular. If we can't figure out a way to get rid of the ads, the least we can do is click on the ads until their Adwords account reaches its limit blog about them. Heh-heh. So we're creating a new game called Find the Creationist Google Ad. (Hmm, doesn't quite have the same ring, but we're open to suggestions.) So click away happy Element Listers. Click any creationist ads that you find here and post a comment on any sites you find interesting or at least humorous.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 14, 2006
1,986 views. Averaging 0 views per day.

Comments on Click One for Darwin


52 of 69 people found this comment helpful
Posted Nov 28, 2005 - 11:23 PM:

i may be a missing link, but i'm not understanding what i should do. or why?

ps i own a european automobile thanks to my venture into capitalism. so does lee, same reason.

40 of 62 people found this comment helpful
Posted Nov 28, 2005 - 11:25 PM:

pps. are you ready to argue intelligent design with me? and don't send me a pre-done article. your thoughts matter to me.nod
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33 of 51 people found this comment helpful
Posted Nov 29, 2005 - 1:41 AM:

you're supposed to click on the creationist google ads and, optionally, report back on what you find.

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