
Unit Conversion and Constants - eFunda

Unit Conversion and Constants - eFunda
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Geometric. Angle. Length -inch, foot, mm, mile, meter. Area. Volume. Kinematics. Time. Velocity -mph, km/hr, ft/s, knot. Acceleration. Volume Flow Rate. Kinetics. Mass -lbm, kg, oz, carat, slug. Density. Force -lbf, kgf, newton, dyne, more. Moment/Torque. Pressuresticking out tonguesi, in-Hg, in-H2O, torr, bar. Energy, Power -hp, watt, Btu/s, ton (refrig.). Temperature, Viscosity, Electric, Luminous, Magnetic, Thermal, Permeability, Wire Gages, Sheet Metal Gages, Hardness, more categories... Currencies (updated daily): US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan (Renminbi), more... Fundamental Constants: Mathematical, Universal, Atomic, Physical, Electro-Magnetic.
Submitted by elementlist on Jan 02, 2005
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