General Reference
Science encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, units, conversion calculators, cheatsheets, directories, etc.
74 listings
Submitted Jan 10, 2017 to General Reference In 2008, USGS significantly expanded the Biocomplexity Thesaurus to include terminology that supports the fire ecology and management communities. More than 2,000 new concepts were added to the Thesaurus. The USGS Core Science Analytics & Synthesis (CSAS) Program is committed to maintaining and expanding the Biocomplexity Thesaurus to support science informatics initiatives within USGS, and externally.
Submitted Jan 02, 2017 to General Reference A handy website with LaTeX commands for creating math symbols, Greek letters, and more.
Submitted Dec 29, 2016 to General Reference Established in February 1995. The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia is developed and maintained by the exoplanet TEAM.
Submitted Dec 23, 2016 to General Reference The NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, serves a similar function as the original Abramowitz and Stegun handbook published in 1964, though it is heavily updated and extended. The online version, the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF), presents the same technical information along with extensions and innovative interactive features consistent with the new medium. The DLMF may well serve as a model for the effective presentation of highly mathematical reference material on the Web.
Submitted Dec 20, 2016 to General Reference This unique resource covers the entire field of astronomy and astrophysics and this online version includes the full text of over 2,750 articles, plus sophisticated search and retrieval functionality, links to the primary literature, and is frequently updated with new material. An active editorial team, headed by the Encyclopedia's editor-in-chief, Paul Murdin, oversees the continual commissioning, reviewing and loading of new and revised content.
Submitted Nov 30, 2016 (Edited Jan 15, 2017) to General Reference Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence.
This website is intended to host a variety of resources and pointers to information about Deep Learning. |
Submitted Dec 05, 2011 (Edited Nov 28, 2016) to General Reference An online biology study guide for High School and College Students. The site consists of visually appealing biology study guides, flashcards and practice questions. |
Submitted Jul 22, 2010 to General Reference Powered by WebMathetica, QuickMath is an online calculator that solves common math problems in algebra, calculus, and linear algebra for high school and college students.
Submitted Dec 18, 2009 to General Reference This glossary of meteorological terms, in English and Russian, was prepared by Nina A. Zaitseva for the Arctic Climatology Project Arctic Meteorology and Climate Atlas. This glossary is hosted by the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center.
Submitted Dec 12, 2009 to General Reference FOLDOC is a computing dictionary. It includes acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products, history, in fact anything you might expect to find in a computer dictionary.
Submitted Sep 14, 2008 (Edited Sep 14, 2008) to General Reference Population and environmental issues are, in and of themselves, extremely complex; linked, they create a whole new set of dynamics which add to that complexity. In conceiving this AAAS Atlas of Population and Environment,the AAAS International Programs Directorate wanted to bring together population-environment linkages in ways that make them easily accessible to policy and decision makers, students and the general public. Our hope is that in presenting the issues clearly, the debate surrounding population-environment dynamics and our understanding of the issues will broaden in the coming years.
Submitted Sep 14, 2008 to General Reference The Energy Citations Database (ECD) is designed and developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) with the science-attentive citizen in mind. Its creation is consistent with OSTI's objective to provide easier and faster access to the Department's scientific and technical information. Energy Citations is publicly available without charge to users. Energy Citations contains bibliographic records for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The Database provides access to DOE publicly available citations from 1948 through the present, with continued growth through regular updates. Energy Citations includes bibliographic records of literature in disciplines of interest to DOE such as chemistry, physics, materials, environmental science, geology, engineering, mathematics, climatology, oceanography, computer science and related disciplines.
Submitted Aug 28, 2008 to General Reference The DOE Information Bridge provides the open source to full-text and bibliographic records of Department of Energy (DOE) research and development reports in physics, biology, chemistry, energy technologies, materials, environmental sciences, renewable energy, engineering, computer and information science, and other topics. The Information Bridge consists of full-text documents produced and made available by the Department of Energy National Laboratories and grantees since 1991. Additional legacy documents are also included as they become available in electronic format.
Submitted Aug 19, 2008 to General Reference The American Association of Petroleum Geologists debuted the latest map of near-surface heat flow in the continental United States since the Geological Society of America's map from 1992. The AAPG map made extensive use of new heat flow data from industry and academic sources, the U.S. portion of which are available online at the Southern Methodist University Geothermal Lab website. A separate Alaska geothermal map insert is also available through this website.
Submitted Jun 25, 2008 (Edited Aug 11, 2008) to General Reference Unit conversion for all categories in physics - space and time, mechanics, heat and energy, electricity and magnetism, light, radiation, acoustics. Easy to find unit definitions, including featured engineering calculations.
Submitted Feb 07, 2008 (Edited Dec 07, 2016) to General Reference is the official web site of the Nobel Foundation. Here you will find information for every Nobel Prize since 1901, including the Nobel Laureates' biographies, Nobel Lectures, interviews, photos, articles, video clips, press releases, educational games and more. provides comprehensive, first-hand information about the Nobel Prize and Nobel Laureates in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace starting in 1901, as well as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel and the Economics Laureates starting in 1969. Visitors to the site also get to know about Alfred Nobel, the man behind the Nobel Prize. |
Submitted Jun 05, 2007 to General Reference Descriptions, calculations, conversions and material data. Browse from A to Z, search or browwse by subject. A completely free to use resource for students and professionals.
Submitted Apr 23, 2007 to General Reference Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) is a freely available dictionary of molecular entities focused on
Submitted Mar 12, 2007 to General Reference Available as a downloadable PDF file, the ETDE Thesaurus contains the valid descriptors assigned to records in the DOE Information Bridge and to ETDE products such as the Energy Science and Technology Database provided by Dialog Corporation.