6 matching results for "r":
Submitted Apr 04, 2017 to Scientific Software Spatial data plus the power of the ggplot2 framework means easier mapping when input data are already in the form of Spatial* objects (most spatial data in R).
The ggspatial package provides several functions to convert spatial objects to ggplot2 layers. There are three cases: vector data (geom_spatial() or ggspatial()), raster data (geom_spatial() or ggraster()), and tiled basemap (geom_osm() or ggosm()). Their usage is almost identical to normal ggplot geom_* functions, except that the mapping and the data arguments are switched (usually mapping comes before data, but in this context, where the type of the object determines the method that gets called, it makes more sense for data to come first). |
Submitted Mar 14, 2017 to Scientific Software GRTo is a set of tools for the analysis of Gutenberg-Richter distributions of earthquake magnitudes. GRTo offers functions for the comparison of Gutenberg-Richter b-values. Several functions in GRTo are helpful for the assessment of the quality of seismicity catalogs.
Submitted Jan 21, 2017 to Scientific Software I was recently trying various outlier detection algorithms. For me, the best way to understand an algorithm is to tinker with it. I built a shiny app that allows you to play around with various outlier algorithms and wanted to share it with everyone.
The shiny app is available on my site, but even better, the code is on github for you to run locally or improve! Let me give you a quick tour of the app in this post. If you prefer, I have also posted a video that provides background on the app. Another tutorial how to build a interactive web apps with shiny is published at DataScience+. |
Submitted Jan 19, 2017 to Scientific Software This is a complete list of all available rOpenSci R packages. Packages are grouped by ones that acquire data, full-text of journal articles, altmetrics, data publication, focus on scalable and reproducibile computing, data visualization, data tools, image processing, taxonomy, HTTP tools, data analysis or geospatial work.
Submitted Jan 15, 2017 to Science Blogs A blog by Robin Wilson about GIS, remote sensing, programming (Python, R), and more.
Submitted Jan 07, 2017 to Science Blogs R-Bloggers is an aggregator website where you will find daily news and tutorials about the R statistical computing software for statistics, data science, and more, contributed by over 573 bloggers.
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