9 matching results for "quantum":
Submitted Feb 03, 2017 (Edited Feb 03, 2017) to Science Videos and Lectures A lecture on quantum information and spacetime by John Preskill, the Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at CalTech.
Submitted Jan 15, 2017 to Science Research Groups » Physics Our group investigates electron transport in low dimensional systems. The behavior of electrons in low dimensions is inherently dominated by quantum effects and correlations between electrons, leading to a host of unusual properties, fascinating new states of matter and novel application possibilities. Our current projects involve thin films of metals, nanowires, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, graphene, topological insulators and organic semiconductors. The experimental techniques include low-noise electrical measurements at temperatures down to 7mK and magnetic fields of up to 10T, scanning probe microscopy and state-of-the-art nanofabrication.
Submitted Jan 15, 2017 to Science Research Groups » Computer Science The Quantum Architectures and Computation group is a team of leading quantum computer scientists and engineers dedicated to developing real-world quantum algorithms, understanding their implications, and designing a comprehensive software architecture for programming such algorithms on a scalable, fault-tolerant, quantum computer. Our mission is to advance our understanding of quantum computing and its applications and implementation.
The QuArC group collaborates closely with Microsoft Research Station Q in Santa Barbara and several universities worldwide, including TU Delft (Leo Kouwenhoven), Niels Bohr Institute (Charlie Marcus), and the University of Sydney (David Reilly). |
Submitted Jan 15, 2017 to Science Blogs This blog was founded by and is still hosted by the occasionally posting Pontifex Praeteritorum (who notes that his posts are is own personal opinion and in now way associated with the awesome company he now works for.)
Now it is a group blog (and unlike some other group blogs, we don’t pretend to be a single person) run by Charles Bennett (IBM) and Steve Flammia (Sydney). |
Submitted Jan 15, 2017 to Science Blogs A blog about quantum mechanics and related topics by Jess Riedel, a physics postdoc at the Perimeter Institute working on decoherence detection, among other things.
Submitted Jan 07, 2017 to Science Blogs The development of quantum mechanics in the first decades of the twentieth century came as a shock to many physicists. Today, despite the great successes of quantum mechanics, arguments continue about its meaning, and its future.
An article in The New York Review of Books by Steven Weinberg. |
Submitted Dec 25, 2016 to Science Videos and Lectures Find presentations by resident and visiting scientists and researchers in theoretical physics given at PI.
Submitted Sep 10, 2008 (Edited Jan 15, 2017) to Science Blogs Quantum Diaries is a website that follows physicists from around the world as they experience life at the energy, intensity and cosmic frontiers of particle physics. Through their bios, videos, photos and blogs, the diarists offer a personal look at the daily lives of particle physicists.
Submitted Oct 29, 2006 to Science Research Groups » Physics Perimeter Institute is a community of theoretical physicists dedicated to extending theories of space, time and matter. Perimeter Institute began in the summer of 1999 when Mike Lazaridis, founder and Co-CEO of Research In Motion (RIM) maker of the successful BlackBerryTM found himself in a position to help foster research and innovation in Canada. Howard Burton, a PhD graduate from the University of Waterloo, was hired by Mike as Executive Director in August of that year to best determine how a world-class organization devoted to theoretical physics would take shape. In just five years, Perimeter researchers have contributed over 500 meaningful, peer-reviewed, scientific findings and transferred this knowledge to all manner of partners in the entire research chain. Their current areas of cross-disciplinary research include: Foundations of Quantum Theory, Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Gravity, Superstring Theory, Particle Physics, Cosmology.
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