4 matching results for "data":
Submitted Jan 12, 2017 to Science Research Articles This paper describes the tectonic summaries for all magnitude 7 and larger earthquakes in the period 2000–2015, as produced by the U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center during their routine response operations to global earthquakes. The goal of such summaries is to provide important event-specific information to the public rapidly and concisely, such that recent earthquakes can be understood within a global and regional seismotectonic framework. We compile these summaries here to provide a long-term archive for this information, and so that the variability in tectonic setting and earthquake history from region to region, and sometimes within a given region, can be more clearly understood.
Submitted Jan 11, 2017 to Science Blogs A new custom-designed data analysis and visualization platform lets the New York City mayor's office visualize the city in real-time across dozens of agencies.d
Submitted Dec 30, 2016 (Edited Dec 30, 2016) to Scientific Data The U.S. Department of Defense is opening up "vast troves of data" in the hope that sharing military data with the public will generate opportunities for improving efficiency, crowdsourcing problem solving, and improving the public's understanding of the U.S. military. The website and datasets are described as an "experiment" in testing various ways of sharing defense-related data. The public is encouraged to analyze the data and share their feedback.
Submitted Dec 21, 2016 to Scientific Data An index of all BuzzFeeds open-source data, analysis, libraries, tools, and guides, stored on GitHub.
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