
World Data Center for Paleoclimatology

World Data Center for Paleoclimatology
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The World Data Center for Paleoclimatology provides data about past climate and environment derived from a diverse range of proxies such as tree rings and ice cores. The proxies are listed by data disciplines. These links provide access to descriptive information and explanatory notes, links to maps, searches, visualizations, and more. The data cover the globe, and while most span the last few millennia, some data sets extend back in time 100 million years. Most of the data are time series of geophysical or biological measurements, and some include reconstructed climate variables such as temperature and precipitation. We have highlighted most of the climate reconstruction data sets in an annotated list. For non-specialists seeking climate data, this list is a useful starting point. Maps and visualizations exist for some data sets. Almost all of the data have been contributed by scientists who have published their results in peer-reviewed literature. The data are used by researchers to understand climate variability, by educators and students and curious individuals to study the past, and by planners and decision-makers who need a better understanding of long-term changes to make policy decisions. Please cite contributors when using this data Sample Data Citation. Hosted by the U.S. National Climatic Data Center.
Submitted by elementlist on Sep 10, 2006
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