
World Biodiversity Database

World Biodiversity Database
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ETI's World Biodiversity Database is a continuously growing taxonomic database and information system that aims at documenting all presently known species (about 1.7 million) and to make this important biological information worldwide accessible. Access to this online information system is free of charge for noncommercial use: scientific and educational purposes. All data in the WBD are copyright protected by the authors, artists and other contributors and may not copied or reproduced without approval of ETI and the lawful owners. The WBD is intended to increase understanding and to support a responsible use and to facilitate the management of the earths biodiversity resources. It is built as a joint effort of specialists worldwide who contribute basic taxonomic, ecological and biodiversity data to ETI to make this available in electronic form, both online in the WBD and in subsections on CD-ROMs.
Submitted by drmoon on Jan 01, 2017
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