
Strongmo - Strong Motion Database System - LDEO

Strongmo - Strong Motion Database System - LDEO
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STRONGMO is part of the NCEER Strong Ground Motion Facility's effort to develop a data base in which strong ground motion data is retrievable over a telecommunications line or a computer network. The tool is still in its experimental stages. Presently the user has the capability to interogate the NCEER Strong Motion Data Base and then retrieve selected strong motion data (both parametric and time-series) via kermit, a communications program developed at Columbia University. The tool also provides the user with the ability to: contact staff at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory via electronic mail; find out the latest status of the NCEER/Lamont Digital Strong-Motion Network; and retrieve raw data retrieved from the Network. The database consists of a comprehensive collection of earthquake, strong motion record, time-series, and recording site parameters. One of the most important features of the database is that it contains the actual time-histories on-line in a consistent format (the AH format developed at Lamont). The Data Base is in a relational format which allows for complex queries on the data. The data itself comes from two different sources; 20 digitally recording accelerographs operated by Lamont and NCEER and over 50 magnetic tapes that were purchased from several strong- motion data archiving agencies, including: the National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder, Colorado; California Division of Mines and Geology; and the United States Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California.
Submitted by elementlist on Oct 30, 2004
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