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Goddard Space Flight Center

Goddard Space Flight Center
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Our Center, located in a Maryland suburb outside of Washington, DC, is home to the Nation's largest organization of combined scientists and engineers dedicated to learning and sharing their knowledge of the Earth, solar system, and Universe. We are delighted you found us here and hope you will return many times to visit and experience the excitement we feel about our mission. The Internet is one of the fastest and most powerful tools of communication available. We will provide you, using this vehicle, with as much information as possible about current NASA events, status of space science missions and new findings about Earth studies. Using the Goddard Homepage, we hope you will encounter amazing result from space science studies about stars, galaxies, black holes and dark matter; about the Earth's ozone layer, ocean studies and greenhouse warming of our climate. You will meet the people who make changes in our understanding of the universe. You will learn about space flight technology under development and the latest and greatest in space and Earth science. You can read about it here first.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 17, 2004
741 views. Averaging 0 views per day.

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