
Gammasphere at Argonne National Lab

Gammasphere at Argonne National Lab
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A consortium of scientists from the national laboratories and many universities designed and built Gammasphere. It consists of 110 large volume, high purity germanium detectors, each in a BGO compton suppression shield. The project was coordinated by scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the device first assembled there. The device is especially powerful for collecting gamma ray data following the fusion of heavy-ions, when multiplicities are high and Doppler shifts large. It has high granularity, which allows many gamma rays to be measured simultaneously, and permits precise correction for Doppler shifts. It has a photopeak efficiency for 1.3 MeV gamma-rays of 10%. As such, Gammasphere is the worlds most powerful spectrometer for nuclear structure research, rivalled only by Euroball.
Submitted by elementlist on Jun 21, 2006
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