
West Coast & Polar Regions Undersea Research Center (NOAA)

West Coast & Polar Regions Undersea Research Center (NOAA)
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The West Coast & Polar Regions Undersea Research Center supports highly-rated, peer-reviewed proposals to conduct in situ research in the region offshore California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and the Arctic and Antarctic. NURP Centers specialize in placing U.S. scientists under the sea directly using scuba, manned submersibles, and underwater labs, or remotely using robots and seafloor observatories, to conduct ocean research important to NOAA. The program is a national leader in investigations of coral reefs and beds, deep water reefs, submarine canyons, seamounts, ancient submerged shorelines, water mass boundaries, polar environments and development of advanced undersea technologies.
Submitted by elementlist on Aug 03, 2005
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