
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
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The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) is the flagship scientific computing facility for the Office of Science in the U.S. Department of Energy. As one of the largest facilities in the world devoted to providing computational resources and expertise for basic scientific research, NERSC is a world leader in accelerating scientific discovery through computation. NERSC is located at Berkeley Lab in Berkeley, California. The more than 2000 computational scientists who use NERSC perform basic scientific research across a wide range of disciplines. These disciplines include climate modelling, research into new materials, simulations of the early universe, analysis of data from high energy physics experiments, investigations of protein structure, and a host of other scientific endeavors. A survey of scientific research performed at NERSC can be found in the NERSC Annual Reports. NERSC is known as one of the best run scientific computing facilities in the world.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 30, 2016
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