
Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence

Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence
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The Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (NCARAI) has been involved in both basic and applied research in artificial intelligence since its inception in 1982. NCARAI, part of the Information Technology Division within the Naval Research Laboratory , is engaged in research and development efforts designed to address the application of artificial intelligence technology and techniques to critical Navy and national problems. The research program of the Center is directed toward understanding the design and operation of computer systems capable of improved performance based on experience; efficient and effective interaction with other systems and with humans; sensor-based control of autonomous activity; and the integration of varieties of reasoning as necessary to support complex decision-making. The emphasis at NCARAI is the linkage of theory and application in demonstration projects that use a full spectrum of artificial intelligence techniques. The NCARAI includes the Immersive Simulations section, the Intelligent Multimodal/Multimedia Systems section, the Intelligent Systems section, and the Interface Design and Evaluation section.
Submitted by elementlist on Feb 28, 2006
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