
South Pacific Odyssey - Research in the Deep Sea - Lau Back-arc Basin

South Pacific Odyssey - Research in the Deep Sea - Lau Back-arc Basin
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Welcome to the South Pacific Odyssey, a scientific quest to understand a part of the deep sea called the Lau Basin. Enveloped by the territorial waters of the Kingdom of Tonga, the journey to the Lau Basinrich in mystery and intrigueseeks answers to questions, simple and complex: What forces shape the dramatic landscapes that characterize this ocean basin? Why is the seafloor here different from any other place on Earth? What bizarre life forms exist at these deep-sea hot springs? How can life exist in such extreme conditions, and what can we learn from it? Throughout this site, you will explore the Lau Basin; meet the scientists; catch glimpses of the rich culture, customs and traditions of the people of this region; and journey alongside as scientists lock their sights on a target spot. Only then will they begin to unravel the mysteries, one by one, map by map, rock by rock, animal by animal.
Submitted by elementlist on Oct 10, 2004
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