Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne is one of the U.S. government's oldest and largest science and engineering research laboratories -- the largest in the Midwest. For the past half-century, the University of Chicago has overseen operation of Argonne for the United States Department of Energy and its predecessor agencies. Argonne has five major mission areas, each of which fulfills important governmental and Department of Energy responsibilities, as well as provides important benefits to our society at large. They are: Conducting basic scientific research to further our understanding of the world we live in. Argonne conducts basic experimental and theoretical scientific research in the physical, life, and environmental sciences; Operating national scientific facilities to help advance America's scientific leadership. Argonne operates world-class research facilities like the Advanced Photon Source; Enhancing the nation's energy resources to ensure America's energy future. Argonne is working to develop and evaluate advanced energy technologies; Developing better ways to manage environmental problems. Argonne is at the forefront in developing new ways to manage and solve the nation's environmental problems and to promote environmental stewardship; National Security has increased in significance in recent years for the nation and for Argonne research. Argonne capabilities developed over the years for other purposes are helping counter the threats of terrorism. |
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 29, 2016 |
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