
NASA Center for Nanotechnology (CNT)

NASA Center for Nanotechnology (CNT)
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NASA Ames nanotechnology effort started in early 1996 and has steadily grown to establish a Center for Nanotechnology. The research work focuses on experimental research and development in nano and bio technologies as well as on a strong complementary modeling and simulation effort that includes computational nanotechnology, computational nanoelectronics, computational optoelectronics, and computational modeling of processes encountered in nanofabrication. The Center has about 55 scientists working on the above aspects; in addition, graduate students, faculty on sabbatical or summer visits, undergraduate and high school students work at the Center through various internship programs. The Center vision is: To develop novel concepts in nanotechnology for NASA's future needs on electronics, computing, sensors, and advanced miniaturization of all systems; To develop highly integrated and intelligent simulation environment that facilitates the rapid development and validation of future generation electronic devices as well as associated materials and processes through virtual prototyping at multiple levels of fidelity.
Submitted by elementlist on Oct 29, 2004
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