Nanotechnology, Molecular Dynamics, Biochemistry, etc.
52 listings
Submitted Mar 24, 2017 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry The major thrust of our research program is at the interface of organic, inorganic, and biological chemistry. Many biochemical transformations, as well as important synthetic and industrial processes, are catalyzed by metals. Enjoy exploring the wide scope of our research in the bioinorganic and bioinspired catalysis fields!
Submitted Dec 31, 2016 (Edited Dec 31, 2016) to Science Research Groups » Chemistry The Institut Laue-Langevin is an international research centre at the leading edge of neutron science and technology based in Grenoble, France. Research focuses primarily on fundamental science in a variety of fields: condensed matter physics, chemistry, biology, nuclear physics and materials science, etc. Scientists at the ILL include chemists, physicists, biologists, crystallographers, specialists in magnetism and nuclear physics, who are also experts in neutron research and technology. ILL is funded and managed by France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, in partnership with 10 other countries.
Submitted Dec 31, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry React for human habitat is a Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the School of engineering and applied science (SEAS) at the University of Pennsylvania, aimed at Research and Education in Active Coatings Technologies (REACT) for human habitat. This PIRE project addresses key fundamental research challenges through an international educational platform to develop Active Coating Technologies (ACTs) that divert, collect and purify water (ACT 1), suppress bacteria adhesion and proliferation (ACT 2), and convert and store solar energy (ACT 3). To enable coatings that will transform the human habitat, the three ACTs take advantage of the versatility provided by polymers, nanoparticles and their mixtures to create coatings with tailored chemistry, surface texture and function.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry ISIS, the Institute For Surface and Interface Science, is the home of nanoscience on the University of California, Irvine (UCI) campus. More specifically, ISIS is one of 16 Organized Research Units (ORUs) on the UCI campus. Biologists, chemists, physicists, and engineers who engage nanometer-scale structures in their research also rely on many of the same tools: Scanning probe microscopes, electron microscopes, and spectroscopies including solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to mention just a few. The main point is that in nanoscience, intellectual and physical economies of scale are present. The Institute For Surface and Interface Science (ISIS) is a consortium of physicists, chemists, engineers, and biologists with common research interests in nanoscience. ISIS exists to do excellent research in nanoscience.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry The Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (LAM) is an independent laboratory at Stanford University that supports research programs on advanced materials and fosters interdisciplinary education for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry The Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory (SNL) is situated within the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) and is newly affilitated with the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF) and, through SNF, to the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN). The SNL features an FEI Strata 235 Dual Beam SEM/FIB (combined scanning electron microscopy and focused ion beam capabilities), an FEI Sirion SEM, an FEI CM20 FEG-TEM (field emission gun transmission electron microscope) and a Philips X-Pert X-ray Diffractometer, as well as electron microprobe, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and additional x-ray diffraction instrumentation.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry C-PCS focuses on research problems that require an integrated approach involving scientific, engineering, and modeling disciplines in physical chemistry and applied spectroscopy. We perform basic and applied research in support of our national security mission. We serve a wide range of customers including DOE, DoD, other federal agencies, and private industry.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry Many of the research and development projects in the division span several groups and divisions, and a number of them involve partnerships with academia, industry, or both. Our annual budget of approximately $95 million comes from a diverse set of program offices within the Laboratory. These offices focus on nuclear weapons, threat reduction, homeland security, science, applied energy, and environment. They serve as the interfaces with program elements of the Department of Energy and other federal agencies such as the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Agriculture.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry The trainees in the Schreiber laboratory have helped to develop the emerging area of chemical biology, for example, through their work in diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS) and small-molecule screening involving complex biology. Using their chemical approach, they have discovered principles that underlie information transfer and storage in cells. For a more detailed account of past efforts read the archived Research Detail.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry The Stanford Chemistry Department is physically and intellectually located at the center of an enormous range of scientific enterprises which offer tremendous opportunities for curious and inventive young scientists. Stanford is also located in the midst of one of the largest concentrations of high-technology corporations in the world. This is an enormous asset to the University, as it provides close ties with industrial laboratories and opportunities for the development of new technologies.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry C-AACs focus is on the analysis of samples in actinide matrices, including determination of the assay and isotopic composition of metals and oxides and trace impurities. C-AAC provides the highest quality actinide analytical chemistry services to our customers while meeting negotiated turnaround time and budget requirements. Sample analyses are carried out under modern quality assurance protocols appropriate to the customers needs.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry Chemical physicists at JILA probe the structure and dynamics of matter; investigate and control chemical reactions; study the processes of combustion and solvation; explore the interface between liquids and gases as well as investigate the behavior of atoms and molecules under high pressure. They use advanced laser-based techniques to better understand hydrogen bonding, hydration, electron transfer, the making and breaking of chemical bonds, chemical reactions, the formation of ash, and the fundamental interactions of light with matter. Theorists simulate the molecular processes probed in experiments to explain results and guide future investigations.
Submitted Dec 08, 2016 (Edited Jan 11, 2017) to Science Research Groups » Chemistry The Center for Catalyst Design (CCD) at Purdue University is focused on the development of both new catalysts for a variety of chemical processes and a fundamental, molecular-level understanding of how these catalysts work. The CCD is a cross-disciplinary team of researchers with broad expertise in catalysis, surface science, inorganic chemistry, materials science, molecular and process modeling, process systems engineering, and modern informatics methods. The CCD also houses facilities for catalyst preparation, characterization and detailed kinetic evaluation, and a rich infrastructure for data archiving, information management, large scale computing, data visualization and model building.
Submitted Jun 28, 2010 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry ![]() |
Submitted Aug 28, 2008 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry Sandia Labs continues to enhance its proficiency in many fields, all in keeping with its Department of Energy mission to unite science and engineering to serve national needs. Aalong with world class capabilities in materials science, micro fabrication - including 40,000 square feet of clean room space - high performance computing and systems engineering - Sandia is uniquely positioned to be the integrating center for new discoveries in nanoscience.
Submitted Apr 15, 2007 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry Cebic's research program addresses many interrelated, molecular-level questions regarding the fate and function of trace metals in aquatic systems, particularly marine systems. Cebic is a unit of the Princeton Environmental Institute.
Submitted Mar 11, 2007 (Edited Mar 11, 2007) to Science Research Groups » Chemistry The Plasma Science & Fusion Center (PSFC) is recognized as one of the leading university research laboratories in the physics and engineering aspects of magnetic confinement fusion.
Submitted Oct 15, 2006 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry About 80 percent of the U.S. population live in metropolitan areas. These urban residents face a number of pressing environmental problems including exposure to toxic chemicals from contaminated sites, landfills, incinerators, abandoned industrial sites (Brownfields), industrial releases, lead, and pesticide use. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Hazardous Substance Research Centers (HSRC) Program to develop better, more cost-effective, faster, and safer methods to assess and clean-up environments contaminated with hazardous substances. Johns Hopkins University has received an award from EPA as the lead institution for a new HSRC.
Submitted Jun 18, 2006 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry Chemistry has been offered by the University of California since its founding in 1868, and the College of Chemistry was created as a unit within the University in 1872.
Submitted Jun 18, 2006 to Science Research Groups » Chemistry Our mission is to be the global leader in chemical engineering education and research. We train students to be the best in shaping and solving complex problems, particularly the translation of molecular information and discovery into products and processes. Our programs are enriched by an emphasis on leadership; fundamental understanding of physical, chemical, and biological processes; engineering design and synthesis skills; and interdisciplinary perspectives on technological, economic, and social issues.