
Research Center for Alcoholic Liver and Pancreatic Diseases at USC

Research Center for Alcoholic Liver and Pancreatic Diseases at USC
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liverFunded in 1999 by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the Research Center for Alcoholic Liver and Pancreatic Diseases is a collaborative effort among the leaders in the study of alcoholic liver and pancreatic diseases in the Los Angeles area. Our research attempts to elucidate the mechanisms by which ethanol sensitizes and primes the liver and pancreas to diseases. Unifying all Center investigations, our Center's goals are based on the concept that manifestation of alcoholic liver and pancreatic diseases is dependent on critical interactions between alcohol and secondary factors. These secondary factors include diet, concomitant use of drugs, viral hepatitis infection, and gender. We believe that the best approach to elucidate the mechanisms of the diseases is to define the mode and nature of these interactive processes. This would lead to an improved understanding of individual predisposition to the diseases and development of better modalities to protect the liver and pancreas. The Cirrhosis Research Program is an important development of the Center.
Submitted by elementlist on Mar 03, 2006
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