Science Research Jobs
Links to job listings for major research science labs, science job boards, and job search websites specifically aimed toward scientists. Also includes links to industry jobs and teaching positions.
83 listings
Submitted May 11, 2017 to Science Research Jobs code4lib is a niche within a niche: an international community of software developers, designers and architects who happen to work in the cultural heritage sector (libraries, archives, museums, galleries, etc). There are a lot of esoteric tools, projects and people to know. The idea is that this job board can help people get an idea of what kinds of skills and experience are useful to acquire.
Submitted Feb 15, 2017 to Science Research Jobs A frequently updated listing of data science jobs hosted by the Open Data Science Conference.
Submitted Feb 05, 2017 to Science Research Jobs This is the first website exclusively for Free & Open Source jobs: We only list jobs that directly improve and involve FOSS or Open Hardware projects.
Submitted Jan 15, 2017 to Science Research Jobs For more than 60 years, Sandia has delivered essential science and technology to resolve the nation's most challenging security issues.
Search from careers in aerospace engineering, bioscience, business support and operations, chemistry and chemical engineering, computer science, cybersecurity, electrical engineering, geoscience, materials science, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, physics, and systems engineering. Sandia National Laboratories is operated and managed by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation. Sandia Corporation operates Sandia National Laboratories as a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and supports numerous federal, state, and local government agencies, companies, and organizations. |
Submitted Jan 11, 2017 to Science Research Jobs A job board for currently open federal employment opportunities in the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science, the six core science program offices, and field operations at labs around the country. Prospective applicants should follow the links to the formal position announcements on for more information.
Submitted Jan 08, 2017 (Edited Jan 08, 2017) to Science Research Jobs The National Snow and Ice Data Center, at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado at Boulder, serves as a national information and referral center in support of snow and ice research. See About NSIDC for more information about our mission.
Submitted Jan 07, 2017 to Science Research Jobs A job board focused on physics and engineering positions hosted by the Institute of Physics.
Submitted Jan 07, 2017 to Science Research Jobs A job board for people and companies looking to hire users of the R statistical computing package.
Submitted Jan 03, 2017 to Science Research Jobs Job listings in oceanography and related fields hosted by The Oceanography Society. Upload your resume or post a new opportunity.
Submitted Dec 26, 2016 to Science Research Jobs The Physics Today Jobs is considered by recruiters worldwide as the best resource either in print or online for posting open positions. This highly regarded, comprehensive classified section reaches more than 120,000 physicists, engineers and other scientists in a broad range of sectors from academia to industry to government and nonprofit organizations.
Submitted Dec 24, 2016 to Science Research Jobs Career opportunities for experienced professionals and graduate students at the Oregon State University Marine Mammal Institute.
Submitted Dec 23, 2016 to Science Research Jobs The American Cancer Society, an equal opportunity employer, proactively pursues a diverse workplace. Available positions in our national home office in Atlanta, GA and our offices around the country are listed by state. In order to provide college students with hands-on experience in the activities of a non-profit, we offer nationwide paid and unpaid internship positions.
Submitted Dec 23, 2016 to Science Research Jobs CUNY is known for its commitment to providing first-rate academic opportunities for students of all backgrounds to achieve personal and professional success. An exceptional faculty of prominent experts, dedicated teachers, and researchers provides opportunities for post-secondary learning at every level and field of interest.
We invite you to explore this entire web site to learn about the many programs, educational innovations, and resources of this great University that make it a unique, diverse, and exciting academic community. |
Submitted Dec 23, 2016 to Science Research Jobs Please note that positions are frequently open for many months at a time. We promptly remove a listing as soon as it is filled; so don't hesitate to apply for a position that has been listed for a long time. Job areas include sponsored research staff, sponsored research technical staff, and support staff.
Submitted Dec 23, 2016 to Science Research Jobs Research positions in gravitational physics at every level from graduate students to faculty at universities in the US and around the world that are involved in the Laser Gravitational Wave Observatory project.
Submitted Dec 23, 2016 to Science Research Jobs Imagine a career at Nokia, working with Bell Labs is your opportunity to help shape the future of communications. Our globe-spanning teams of researchers and consultants are dynamic, diverse and committed to innovation.
Submitted Dec 12, 2009 to Science Research Jobs CRA's jobs service is one of the premier places to read and post position openings for Computer Scientists, Computer Engineers, and Computer Researchers. Ads are posted throughout the year and remain online for between two and three months.
Submitted Dec 12, 2009 (Edited Jan 16, 2017) to Science Research Jobs View and apply for hundreds of jobs in computer science. Hosted by the IEEE Computer Society. Post a resume, view jobs, and create a job search agent.
Submitted Dec 05, 2009 (Edited Jan 16, 2017) to Science Research Jobs Faculty and research positions at the CCNY. Positions are added on an ongoing basis. Check back for updated postings.
Submitted Nov 03, 2009 (Edited Jan 16, 2017) to Science Research Jobs NYCEDC offers the opportunity for a challenging and rewarding career in the heart of New York City. Join our team of skilled and dedicated New Yorkers committed to making the City a more prosperous and satisfying place to live and work.
New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is a not-for-profit that champions a broad range of initiatives designed to develop stronger neighborhoods, stimulate employment growth, and encourage investment throughout each of New York City’s five boroughs. We work hard to modernize the City's infrastructure and improve quality of life in underserved communities. This helps to attract and retain smart and talented New Yorkers – the key to our City’s future. |