
Abrupt Climate Change Research - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Abrupt Climate Change Research - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
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The Lamont community maintains a large research effort focused toward understanding the earth's potential for abrupt climate change, its causes, and its effects on humans. Abrupt climate change can include global warming as well as extreme cooling, drought or precipitation events. Paleoclimate research at Lamont focuses on how and why abrupt climate change events occurred in the recent past, sequencing the events leading up to abrupt changes. A joint observational and modeling approach continues to be a hallmark of abrupt climate change research at Lamont.
Submitted by elementlist on Mar 01, 2005 (Edited Dec 24, 2016)
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Comments on Abrupt Climate Change Research - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Henry Wyatt

Henry Wyatt
39 of 58 people found this comment helpful
Posted Mar 01, 2005 - 7:07 AM:

Psuedo-science!!!. That the earth's climate WILL change because of human activity is a political statement and not science. Instances of abrupt climate change exist well before the modern industrial age.

Where are the references to sun spots and their effect on climate - volcanic eruptions - El Nino. Talk about the underlying errors in the current temperature change model embraced by the United Nations and how the UN refuses to correct it. How do the models explain that, while showing a rise in global temperature due to greenhouse gases, NOAA upper air OBSERVATIONS show no warming in the upper atmosphere. Show SOME alternate scenarios to the PC view that people-are-the-cause-of-all-that-is-wrong-in-the-world

My take on this site is that it would like to scare people into becoming eco-freaks: it seeks a "chicken-little the-sky-is-falling" reaction.

I have been the the field of meteorology for 50 years. Lamont-Doherty used to have a good reputation. What is going on here?

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