
University of Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms

University of Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms
5/5 based on 1 votes.
The machine learning laboratory at the University of Montreal is led by seven professors, Prof. Yoshua Bengio, Prof. Aaron Courville, Prof. Pascal Vincent, Prof. Roland Memisevic, Prof. Christopher Pal, Prof. Laurent Charlin, and Prof. Simon Lacoste-Julien, all of whom are leading world experts in machine learning, especially in the rapidly growing field of deep learning.

Researchers from MILA have pioneered the field of deep learning and deep neural networks (both discriminative and generative) and their applications to vision, speech and language. MILA is world-renowned for many breakthroughs in developing novel deep learning algorithms and applying them to various domains. They include neural language modelling, neural machine translation, object recognition, structured output generative modelling and neural speech recognition.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 30, 2016
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