
Met Office Informatics Lab

Met Office Informatics Lab
5/5 based on 1 votes.
The Lab is the major innovation department at the UK Met Office, combining scientists, technologists and designers to make environmental science and data useful across multiple sectors. The team works with the likes of NASA, Amazon, Microsoft and UK Government Departments to build prototypes and create new approaches and tools to solve problems and deliver transformation.

We rapidly develop prototypes which explore how we can use new technology, science and design to make our data useful. We innovate by making things which explore and demonstrate new ideas. Our group comprises people with backgrounds in data science, technology and design. However, we leave our job titles at the door, and all pitch in working closely together to make things happen. In additon, we explore new ways of working to find out how we can be productive and innovative.
Submitted by elementlist on Feb 26, 2017
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